The Bullied Xing Xiaolang

After dinner, Xing Jiuan asked impatiently, "Master, where's Xing Xiaolang?"

"It's been nearby all this time. I don't know when it will come. Even if I let it in, it won't come in."

"Then I'll go out and look for it later."


Xing Jiuan went out alone, not allowing anyone to accompany her.

She walked slowly and looked at the scenery along the way. When she was young, she often played outside. When she grew up, she rarely came back. When she came back, she rarely went out. She had forgotten to come and see what a great scenery they had.

She chuckled when she heard a sound. "Xing Xiaolang."

As she shouted, a tall and fierce wolf appeared.

"Xing Xiaolang," Xing Jiuan called out again. She did not know if some mechanism had been activated, but in the next moment, the beast that seemed savage and terrifying to everyone was running over.