Letter and Sleepover starts

//So I just started work today and to add to to my regular laziness now I don't even have time to do anything else... so I might or might not become much slower with updates in the near future.

just to update you on my situation.

Anyway, Enjoy!!! //


Dear Sta-Nephew.

It is I! Princess Luna! As a member of the Royal Family, You are hereby invited to the great celebration of this Princesse's reenthronement! The ceremony shall take place during the third Saturday after my return in the Royal Palace of Canterlot! You are hereby allowed to bring with you a companion of your choosing.

*Ps: Sorry for that formal style Dear Starfall. A stupid advisor told me that it was necessary... Thankfully he said that I can write whatever I want in the post scriptum haha!

I'd be very happy to see you on the ceremony, and you don't have to worry as all your other "Marefriends" were also invited separately. I assumed that you would be bringing Twilight Sparkle as your companion of course, and as for your trusty Phoenix and Dragon, they are all invited as well.

The past few days were full of boredom mixed with a small bunch of interesting matters like trying to figure out this day's society. I admit, the world changed a lot from what it was that one thousand years ago.

It was a surprise for me when I realized that I missed speaking with you for the last few days despite knowing you only for a few hours. Even with finally being reunited with my sister, I find myself longing for your presence in the castle. I it's so annoying when everyone just treat me like some goddess...or a demon... Your attitude to me was refreshing to say the least and made me fell something that I can't explain in words as even though it felt similar to what I feel to my sister it was also very different.

I hope we can find time to speak privately and discuss that matter. It might very well be some magical sickness, and Tia tells me that if there's someone knowledgeable about magic, then it's you and Twilight. She really praises You two as the second comings of Starswirl the bearded, haha! Just don't tell her I told you. She'll skin me alive...

*PPS: I'll be retaking my duties as the Ruler of the Dream Realm after the ceremony, so we might find a way to speak with each other more often. I'd love to hear some of your stories about magic theory. I remember enjoying my studies under Starswirl despite not paying much attention usually and from our short conversation after you saved me, I can tell you actual know more than me so it's gonna be fun.

*Ppps: This Post office thingy is amazing though! I can give the letter to a pony in Canterlot and he would bring it straight to you! This is such a fascinating process!

I Hope to hear from you soon^^

*Pppps: Se that ^^? Tia taught me that <3 Haha! symbols in letters are such nice additions! I wonder why I never thought about that in the past. Correspondence and documents would be so much more enjoyable to read ;)


Starfall read through the letter two times and couldn't believe that it was the same Luna he knew. Other than her fascination with post offices, he couldn't understand why she was writing to him in such a laid back and friendly manner all of a sudden. True, he did save her from her possession and befriended her afterwards, but he always considered her a rather calm, dark beauty used to act all high and mighty from time to time... For her to act like a friendly teenager...

He shrugged and took the letter inside. He'd tell Twilight about it later. Now it was time for the slumber party!


*Knock knock*

He opened the doors only to get tackled to the ground by a pinkish blur.

"Starfall! I'm here to party! Where's everyone?! Let's play! Let's play!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie jumping above him as he tried to comprehend what was going on.

While that was happening, a certain box of muffins got thrown from her back and landed on the table in the middle of the room miraculously without damaging the content...

"H-Hey Pinkie. Can you get off me please?" He asked and Pinkie must have realized her position above him was kind of inappropriate as a sultry grin appeared on her face, and she decided to sit on his belly.

"Oooh? But I like it here Starfall." She said while playfully grinding on his belly. "Don't you think it's kinda fun too?" She said winking at the stallion who was starting to feel slightly aroused.

"I..." Suddenly there were sounds of hoofsteps that came from the back of the house and made Starfall regain some sense.

He quicky levitated a giggling Pinkie Pie from himself and stood up before Twilight came down into the room.

"Starfall? Who was- Ah Pinkie! You're here! Come in! I'm sure you'd want to help me with the decorations so I left them unpacked for you!" She invited the pink Party Pony who happily followed the unicorn into the library.

Starfall was about to follow them, but there was another knock on the doors that revealed a beautiful white Mare with wonderful purple mane.

He smiled seeing her and bowed before catching her hoof and giving it a kiss.

"It's so good to see you Lady Rarity. Please come in." He said with a wink and Rarity giggled at his antics.

"Why, yes my Prince! It's a pleasure to see you this fine evening. Please lead the way." She decided to play his game and let herself be guided inside by Starfall.

He laughed hearing her reply and they soon walked closely side by side towards where the other Mares were already setting up the decorations for the sleepover. Pinkie couldn't stop herself from putting up ribbons and blowing balloons even though it wasn't even a real party per say.

Rarity giggled again seeing that sight as she snuggled to Starfall's side. He didn't mind it as their relationship was pretty close, but Twilight saw this interaction and had a suspicious look on her face. She wasn't really angry or worried but just didn't like the fact that Starfall seemed to be so close to another Mare and she didn't even know when it happened.

"Hello Twilight, Pinkie Pie." She said politely and Pinkie Pie instantly turned towards her.

"Hia Rarity! You're just in time to join us in decorating the room!" She exclaimed while Twilight sighed.

"Hey Rarity. It's good to see you. And are those-?" The purple unicorn pointed at Rarity's saddle bag filled with clothes and cosmetic products.

"Ah! Those are for later." Rarity said with a smile. " There's no slumber party without some makeover sessions as they say haha!"

Twilight was about to reply, when another knock reverberated through the Tree House.

Ahh I'll get it! You girls do what you were doing. Lady Rarity. You'd have to excuse me for a second" He winked at the mare who nodded with a smile and went to the two other girls to have a chat.

Starfall went to the front door and opened it to see a cute yellow pegasus standing in the doorway unsure of what to do.

"A-Ah! Starfall! H-Helo..." She said meekly, seeing the pony that she liked, looking at her with that warm, gentle smile of his.

"Fluttershy. Please come in. It's great to see you. You look really stunning tonight." He said seeing how adorable Fluttershy looked with that shy demeanor of hers.

"S-stunning! N-no...I..." She became flustered hearing his praise as she wasn't even sure why he would point her looks out. She only spend an additional hour to make herself presentable for him. That's not too much right?!

Starfall didn't let her finish as he continued to speak.

"...But in the end you always look beautiful so I shouldn't be surprised." He smiled at her reddening expression.

After being reincarnated, Starfall decided to live his life without regrets and his confidence was one of the things that often lacked in his past life so he worked hard on improving it amongst many other things. He wanted to be the best person/pony he could be and live his life however he wanted.

He was known as a lady killer in his second youth, but he actually never had a girlfriend until Twilight. He wanted a true and mature relationship and dating a filly of his physical age back then, no matter how much he considered himself a young colt, was just out of the question because of his mature soul.

But now that he was already at this age, he saw no problem with really starting to work on his future herd...

After Fluttershy finally calmed down and came inside, she took out a bouquet of different flowers that she wanted to put along the other decorations and joined the girls in decorating the room which was already going quiet nicely even though it wasn't really necessary as it was just supposed to be a slumber party...

After a while, Rainbow Dash suddenly crashed through the window in a heap of clouds which she quickly collected into a cushion, and laughed the entire incident of as totally planed beforehand... She gave Starfall a sack tomatoes which was clearly her impromptu idea of a present but Starfall just laughed inwardly and accepted the gift before putting it into the cold room.

He was just going back from there, when the girls proclaimed that they finally finished the decorations and they just needed to wait for Applejack.

Starfall wanted to go out and quickly take a look around, as it wasn't normal for Applejack to be so late to the party. It was already 10 minutes past the prearranged time and the farm pony was yet to show herself!

Starfall was already by the door but there was an unexpected knock on the door just as he was turning the hoof adapted knob.

There stood Applejack in all her orange glory. Everyone was here so the sleepover could finally start.

But there was a small question that lingered in his mind...

Why was she pulling this cart full of food?...