Some Magic Title Thingy.

//So... Honestly I'm not sure if I already had Scootaloo visit Starfall for a diagnosis because I thought of it so much that I might as well already done so but whatever XD..


"Ok. Now close your eyes, open your wings, and try to fly. Show me what you can do." A gentle voice said to the young, orange coated pegasus who stood in the middle of the lab.

An older blue coated Mare with colorful mane and a rainbow lightning cutie mark, stood to the side with a worried but hopeful expression.

"How can this help me?" Asked the Filly but Starfall just laughed.

"It won't. But I need to see what's wrong first right?"He replied still calmly to which Scootaloo nodded unsurely.

"Don't push yourself. Try to do it properly how a Pegasus usually flies." He said to which Scootaloo listened.

Her wings started to swing quickly and Scootaloo even managed to lift herself off the ground by a tiny bit, but it was clearly not enough as she slumped onto the ground in defeat...

"Huh... Interesting..." Muttered Starfall.

"Do you know what is wrong with her?" Asked Rainbow Dash hopefully.

" far as I can tell, not much currently. But I understand the reason why she ended up like this... I didn't expect to find it here though, but Scootaloo has been affected by Hopeless Magic! It's a very rare occurrence that happens sometimes when a pony looses hope or experiences a traumatic situation. As far as I can tell Scootaloo has been partially affected by this for a good part of her childhood, which ended up stunting the growth of her wings, but some recent events must have helped her overcome it. The only thing she needs now is more time, and happiness..." He said with a smile while ruffling Scootaloo's head.

The filly looked at Starfall in surprise.

"Does it mean that I will be able to fly?!" She asked with stars in her eyes.

"Haha! Sure you will! And if Rainbow teaches you how to use pegasi magic I'm sure it would be even faster! You'll become the fastest flier in Equestria before you realise it."He laughed causing Scootaloo to beam in happiness.

She quickly gave Starfall and Rainbow a heartfelt hug each, before running out to tell her friends. Starfall could practically see the magic in her wings stirring up to work because of her happiness, quickening the process of healing.

The two of them stood there for a while in silence until Rainbow decided to finally break it.

"You're not going to ask what could have caused her so much grief to actually stunt her growth?"Asked Rainbow a bit sadly.

Starfall shook his head.

"Nah. I can already guess most of it. Her family situation isn't really a secret in the Town..."He sighed.

Rainbow Dash slowly approached him and nuzzled his neck affectionately.

"Thank you for helping us. Even if you didn't do much to begin with." She added with a smirk causing Starfall to act offended.

"I'll have you know that I did a lot but I'm not her big Brother." He said mock offended." You and her friends on the other hand would be a much better people to heal the scars of her childhood."He pointed out with a smile.

"I'm joking! You helped us a lot Starfall. I'm sure out of all the Ponies in Ponyville, you and Luna would be the only ones who would have even heard about this "Hopeless Magic" Not even mentioning knowing how to detect and stop it..." Rainbow said and Starfall laughed.

"That is true. But there's still something I can do. I'll message Zecora. I'm sure she has some potions for stunted growth in her assortment." He said to which Rainbow perked up.

"I'll go! It was a while since the last time I saw her! I'm sure she misses me!" She exclaimed.

"And I'm sure she also misses the bottles and bowls you broke the last time you were there." He added causing Rainbow to falter in embarrassment.

"Right...Maybe you do you and I'll go see if Scootaloo isn't getting in trouble..." She laughed awkwardly before leaving towards the entrance.

"Watch out for the-"




Starfall was walking through the Everfree Forest looking for a certain cave that shouldn't be too far from the town. He didn't know where it was exactly and the chaotic magic from the Seeds of Evil and the magic from the Tree of Harmony underground, were not helping him in his search in the slightest.

He did collect a few of the seeds, so that he could research them later, and he was eager to go check out the Tree of Harmony itself but that wasn't what he was here for today...

"Ugh...How hard it is to find a giant Underground Cave?!" He exclaimed to himself in annoyance.

Suddenly an idea struck him.

If the ground is overflowing with the Magic of Harmony restraining the Seeds of Evil, he just needs to find a spot where there is no magic, right?

With the newfound idea, Starfall returned to his search spreading his magic senses and straining his Mage Sight only to finally stumble upon his destination a few hours later!

He slowly and carefully lowered himself down the hole in the ground that he made after detecting the cave and after falling down over thirty meters using levitation, landed right in front of his long sought target.

The Mirror Pond...


Starfall spend the next hour on Carefully researching the area and stopping himself from looking at his reflection in the pond. He really wasn't interested in fighting an evil twin or something and he wouldn't be surprised if that was exactly what happens if the pond makes a clone of himself.

While in the Show it was Pinkie Pie who made an army of clones and it wasn't really hard to gather them all up and remove them, a super intelligent clone with potential access to a large arsenal of spells and dangerous knowledge was a recipe for a disaster, and Starfall as the overly cautious person he is, wasn't going to try his luck...

It took him another hour to confirm that all the magic of the Pond originated from...well...from the Pond. Or more precisely from the bowl shaped stone that made the walls of the pond and with the strongest concentration originating at the bottom.

He didn't know what it was at the bottom that gave The Pond it's magic, but Starfall confirmed that it shouldn't be hard to displace the Pond without having to somehow bring or secure the entire Cave...

His horn lit up with magic as reddish aura spread around the pond before transforming into a ring of a diameter two meters larger than the pond. Then suddenly in a flash, The ring turned into a cylindrical wall that cut deep into the earth and rocks, separating the Mirror Pond from the Cave where it was hidden for tens or hundreds of years.

With another flash of light the pond raised into the air flying towards the entrance of the cave closely followed by Starfall...


"So...What am I looking at Starfall?..."Twilight asked Starfall after being brought to a newly build room in the Secret Laboratory.

They were currently standing a few meters away from a small pond that was currently the only thing present in the chamber and took most of the space in the centre of the room...

"Well...Tou had me promise to tell you whenever I bring something ridiculously dangerous into the Lab, so..." He said causing Twilight to snap her head towards him.

"Starfall. What is that?!" She said trying to keep her calm while Starfall grinned.

"This, my Love, Is the legendary Mirror Pond! I spend the entire previous day scouring the Everfree Forest to find that thing and it's going to be an extremely useful object of research!" Starfall explained in excitement while Twilight tried to calm her feelings because on one hoof she was angry at Starfall for going out to Everfree without telling her, on the other she was shocked to see an actual legendary natural Artifact, while on yet another one, She tried to comprehend why Starfall needed a magical artifact to create clones of ponies?!

"So...Mind telling me why?..." She asked and Starfall realised the threat in her voice in an instant.

"Oh. Don't worry Twilight. I'm not going to use it to create clones of myself or something. Why do you thing I classified this thing as Extremely dangerous in the first place? No. I'm going to put it under the strongest Containment and only allow Ponies with the highest clearance access to this chamber and only with my permission. I actually need it for another project and I find the capabilities of this Pond to be a most interesting subject." He explained relieving some of Twilight worries.

"Well...that's good. but you're still not getting this flanks tonight for going into Everfree without telling me." She said causing Starfall's eyes to open in shock.

"You can't be serious! Twily please! I'll do anything!" Starfall said quickly falling onto his knees.

"Everything? Well if that's the case..." She slowly approached Starfall's ear with her muzzle.

"I want you to call me Mistress tonight." She whispered with a grin, and Starfall realised that this night might not be so bad after all... Good thing he still had a much larger stamina than Twilight...


His hooves took him into another chamber. He knew that Twilight was currently getting ready for the evening and he was a bit worried that she develops some fetishes that don't suit a future Princess of Equestria, but he would go along for tonight if just to please her.

But for now, he was more focused on something else.

The chamber was not large...and didn't contain much of anything. Funny then how the entrance to the chamber was allowed only for somepony with the highest clearance...

A few blueprints were spread on a wall and on the table, while a pedestal in the back housed a small crystal orb of swirling, pink, glowing mist.

On the table, beside the blueprints, a piece of hydra flesh had been placed in stasis beside a feather of a Phoenix and a number of other materials, amongst which all of them were mentioned somewhere amongst the notes on the table.

But in the middle of the notes a few arrows pointed from the parts towards a circle with the words "Mirror Pond?"

Starfall approached the Crystal Ball and smiled getting a small illumination from the crystal in return, but his gaze turned towards another pedestal in the other part of the room.

He walked over to it and saw a dark blue must swirling inside and couldn't help but sigh.

"And what am I to do with you?" He muttered..