Aligator's Birthday and another Precious Rock...


Studies started again after the break, and I had barely any time to write this, but here it is!

Hope you ENJOY!!!


"Hey Girls! Come quickly! Today's Gummy's first birthday and I prepared a party for him!" Pinkie pie exclaimed as she abruptly crashed down the stairs inside of Sugarcube Corner where coincidentally Applejack and Rainbow Dash were having a hot chocolate together.

The two mares shared a look before smiling at Pinkie.

"Sure Pinkie. Just give us a minute to get ready and we'll be there." Rainbow replied and Applejack nodded.

"Yep. But Did you invite others though? And what about To Rarity, Twilight and Starfall? They are still out of town, aren't they?" She asked, thinking that Pinkie just finished her preparations and instantly came to invite te them.

"It's alright! I already had Spike send them and Fluttershy a letter. They promised to be there on time. But we can always start ahead of time since you two are already here!" She said excitedly and the mares decided not to comment on the inconsistencies of Pinkie coming down from upstairs and not having send them any letter when she didn't know they were even there...Or did she?

Regardless...soon the three of them walked up the stairs Where party decorations and games were already prepared.

A baby crocodile with no teeths to speak of, stood in the middle with a party hat looking at everypony unblinking.

Pinkie instantly swooped him into a hug and began to present him to the girls who smiled and gave the animal his deserved headpats to his already expected lack of reaction.

"He's so cute Pinkie! But are ya sure he's healthy? I'm not sure an aligator should have no teeth, regardless of age..." Asked Applejack looking at the barely moving creature.

"Of course he's alright! I'm taking good care of him!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly reassuring Applejack.

"I know you do. I was just-" Applejack was interrupted by a flash of light accompanied by a loud crack in the middle of the room.

"Hi Girls! Did we miss anything?" Asked Starfall as he, Twilight and Rarity revealed themselves to be the source of the bright flash.

They were covered in dirt, wearing mining equipment, while a minecart filled to the brim with glowing gemstones and a large meteorite, stood behind Starfall strapped to his back. Also Rarity was hyperventilating from finding herself dirty on a party...

"Woah! Umm...Guys? Shouldn't you go clean yourself first or something? Not like I mind dirt or anything, but..." Rainbow said as the trio opened their eyes wide.

Ah right..." Starfall said, casting a cleaning spell on everypony before teleporting the minecart into the lab.

"Sorry about that. Twilight was worried that we would be late for the party." He said sheepishly getting slapped on the back of the head by Twilight.

"I didn't mean to go straight to the party you Dummy!" She said in mock anger while Rarity tried to calm her breath...

"Hehe. Sorry."He said before turning to Pinkie.

"So! Where's the cake? I'm starving!" Said the Stallion winking at Pinkie Pie who took it as a cue to start the party.

She was about to activate a party canon but Applejack suddenly perked up.

"Wait! We're still missing Fluttershy!" She said causing everyone to have the look of realisation.

"Oh Dear! Your right Applejack! Where is she?"Rarity said as her breath already calmed down from her previous panic attack. Rarity might not mind to get dirty when it comes to work, but being filthy in public was one of her worst fears...

*Clop Clop Clop*

The sound of hooves resounded as a heavy breathing Pegasus mare run up the stairs.

"I'm here! *wheeze* I wouldn't miss Gummy's first birthday!" She said taking large breaths as she stopped in front of them with a hint of excitement. Seems like she was really excited for the party surprisingly. Probably because it was the birthday of an 'animal'...

The party soon went into a full swing, and at some point Luna joined them having had to take care of some letter from Canterlot. She really loved her letters...

The celebration ended on a high note as everyone had a very fun and enjoyable time.

Starfall also invited Pinkie Pie for a date tomorrow, opting to avoid the misunderstanding that followed Gummy's birthday in the show, even if he doubted the same would happen, seeing that Pinkie Pie's Alter ego was already gone...

As he was walking down the streets of Ponyville besides a giggling, tipsy Twilight and a woozy Luna, Starfall began to reminiscent their most recent Meteorite adventure.

They arrived in Appleloosa early in the morning, quickly getting reacquainted with their friends from the now Pony and Buffalo town.

Starfall was surprised how the two communities meshed together and was very happy with how accepting everyone were of the others. He was honestly worried at first that something might go wrong between them, but surprisingly, the way he handled it, turned out to be the seed needed for everyone to live in harmony, and he was very pleased with the result.

He also met up with an overly excited Little Strongheart who tackled him the moment she saw him, and he would be lying if he didn't enjoy it. He found that he really missed the diminutive buffalo even though it wasn't even a month since their last visit.

Regretfully, he didn't have time to stay long with the girl, but he promised to visit her as soon as possible, because apparently she had something important to tell him. The shy way in which she told him that also picked his interest. An idea that she was pregnant went through his head, but he discarded it immediately. Even though he wouldn't really mind...

The urge to complete an old project of his solidified in his mind. He really hated the distance between them, so he wanted to make it shorter...A peculiar need to protect her arose in his chest as he left towards the Macintosh Hills.

The excavation of the Meteorite wasn't as complicated as he expected. Other than the meteor piercing into an old abandoned mineshaft, there was no other problems with recovering it. The space rock laid there unmoving on an elevated ground and judging from the glowing crystalised magic that slowly saturated the surroundings, if left unchecked for a long while, those abandoned mines might one day turn into some sort of huge underground magic ecosystem.

He could already imagine it.

"Daring Do and the Alien Caves of Macintosh."

He wasn't going to leave this here and allow some random adventurer to get his hooves on the precious rock...nor allow a potentially dangerous ecosystem to sprout in here... The Everfree Forest was enough of a potential problem for the Unicorn...

Starfall and the girls quickly collected the meteor and the crystalised magic, and then went to mine the surrounding gemstones that Rarity found to be beautiful thanks to the magical shine they got from getting saturated in space magic.

Starfall would have to make sure that they are not dangerous before he could give them to the fashionista but for now they needed to go back to Ponyville.

Just as he was to propose the idea, a scroll appeared out of green fire before his face.

'Huh?!... Gummy's birthday were today?...' Starfall was surprised to read the message. Everything was happening so suddenly. out of nowhere, he didn't have a time for a breather... Well... At least it's still two weeks before the Grand Galloping Gala. Seeing as everything was happening one after the other, somepony would think that the Canterlot event happens the day after tomorrow or something... Thankfully he would have a short brake as soon as he takes care of Pinkie Pie's birthday...

Going back to Starfall after Gummy's party...

The unicorn led his tipsy Marefriend back towards the library, when suddenly the purple mare started to giggle for an unknown reason.

"So, what's so funny Twi?" He asked as she continued to giggle.

"Want to hear a joke about paper?" She asked and Starfall looked at her funny, but before he could reply she continue.

"Nevermind. It's tearable. Bwahaha!" She burst out laughing as Starfall shook his head in amusement.

"Hey, hey! What do you call it when a unicorn studies fashion?"She asked excitedly And Starfall sighed.

"What?" He asked causing Twilight to beam happily.

"I don't know, but it sure is a rarity." She replied causing Starfall to groan.

Hey. Why couldn't the skeleton go to the prom?" Twilight asked and Starfall smirked.

"Because he had no body to go with?" He replied thinking he got it right but Twilight grinned.

"No! *Hick* Because he was ugly, fat and no one liked him." She replied before bursting into laughter.

Starfall followed her shortly after, being caught completely off guard. Even Luna had a hard time keeping a straight face before succumbing to laughter with everypony.

In that positive manner the trio reached the Library and soon all fell asleep in a single bed, Luna and Twilight snuggling into Starfall's sides...


"So she jumped out of a trash can. Told you to sent a few letters and then disappeared to who knows where? *Giggle* You really had a fun morning Spikey." Sweetie Bell giggled at Spike's incredulous expression.

"So you don't find it weird?" He asked confused and she shook her head.

"Oh no. I do! But I got used to it *Giggle*. Pinkie is just Pinkie and I knew her longer than you I guess." She explained.

"Yeah. She was always like this. You'd get used to it... eventually..." Scootaloo added and Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

"I-I see..." Spike said scratching his head. Starfall once told him that Pinkie had some weird magic abilities, but he still wasn't sure if trashcan teleportation was one of them, but for now he had no other theories...

They chatted for a while, until Apple Bloom took her place on the podium of the Clubhouse and said.

"Alright Everycreature! Do we have any new ideas of how to get our Cutie Marks?!"

Everyone started to ponder until Scootaloo perked up.

"Ooh I know! What about Pool jumping! O-or Bungee jumping!" Proposed Scootaloo.

"We already did Bungee jumping. And what's with all this jumping? Maybe we could do something less... extreme..." Sweetie Bell said taking out a knitting set.

"Easy guys! We can do all of it! After all it's all for ah Cutie Marks! Am I right' or am I right'?" Asked Apple Bloom silencing the girls who nodded.

Before long the foursome found themselves by the lake ready to swim.

"This is going to be a lot of fun!" Said Scootaloo and everyone except Sweetie Bell agreed.

"Could I maybe... sunbathe instead?...I don't really like water..." Sweetie Bell asked and Scootaloo huffed.

"Don't be like this Sweetie! It's going to be so cool!... And maybe we can get Spike to kiss us underwater." She whispered into her ear which caused Sweetie Bell to perk up.

"A-Alright then... Maybe I can try it out once." She said giving Spike a hungry look and causing Scootaloo to snicker... Although she would be lying if she wasn't also looking forward to it...

Spike on the other hoof was unaware of the girls' nefarious schemes, being instead excited to swim in the water and have some fun...
