

I was dreading this dragon chapter unsure of how to approach it, but just like that everything came into place as I started writing haha.

Also I finally got to actually read through some of the MLP comics and was shocked to find some of the things there...But damn if it wasn't interesting. There's some inconsequencies in the comics that makes me consider them an AU to the show universe, but I still plan to have fun with the stuff depicted between those pages... Hope you like this chapter and like always ENJOY!!!


Starfall walked in a circle hastily, his face contorted in worry. There were so many things to take care of, to prepare for, to think about...

His eyes passed over the walls of the chamber, covered in notes, pictures and maps.

Multiple red strings connect it all together and culminated In the center picture that showed himself...As if he was the only one that could do something about all of this...

The room wasn't big or impressive, but the knowledge it contained was probably some of the most dangerous in existence.

It was a chamber he created recently, much of the things on the walls being the knowledge formerly hidden between the pages of his old journals. The amount of protections he used to make it hidden and protected wasn't something to scoff at either, as he even went so far as to implant a small balefire bomb in the floor, to keep this knowledge from getting out in the worst case...by blowing it all up...

His eyes sweeped over the pictures.

Queen Chrysalis...Lord Tirek...King Sombra...Storm King...These were just some of the most obvious threats...

As he looked around, he could see dozens upon dozens of creatures, beings, objects or cataclysm, that could very well spell the doom of Equestria. The person who called this world peaceful was an idiot...wait, that was him wasn't it?...

His gaze lingered for a moment on a sky map depicting a six pointed heart constellation with a note attached to it, describing a mysterious constellation that appeared on the night sky a thousand years ago, only to disappear later as mysteriously as It appeared...

Another picture showed the map of the world.

It wasn't just the map of Equestria.

This map showed much more, and wasn't an easy thing to acquire for Starfall who went to great lengths to complete it to its current state.

You could notice such places like Ornithia the Parrot kingdom, The Kingdom of Caninia of the Dog race, The Farasian Shores of the Zebras, Kelpies and Abada, And even The Kingdom of Abyssinia, the country of the catfolk. There was the distant lands of the Centaur and Gargoyle Races, The Changeling Kingdom, Hippogriffia and Seequestria, Dragon Lands, Yakyakistan, Griffonstone, and the far of Lands of the so called storm creatures, or as Starfall came to understand, the Hedgehog and Monkey-like races...

But there was one place he still couldn't pinpoint... An invisible Island Country...one that disappeared over a thousand years ago...

He didn't know if it existed here... It was after all, the knowledge from the comics and not the show...But...If the Heart Constellation and the balefire bomb says something, then comics and even fanfictions should not be taken lightly...

He needed to plan and he needed to-


A sudden holographic screen appeared in front of Starfall startling him from his thoughts. The screen depicted Twilight walking down the Lab corridor in a hurry, clearly looking for the Stallion.

Starfall looked around and sighed before tapping his hoof on a floor tile.

The walls of the room suddenly started to sink into the floor, while closer to him, new walls emerged together with a bunch of stuff, and before anypony knew it, the room transformed completely into what appeared to be a small broom closet, no sign of anything else ever going on in the chamber.

He walked out of the room and soon came face to face with his childhood sweetheart.

"Twilight! What's all the hurry Love?" He asked stopping the mare who instantly latched onto the Stallion.

"Starfall! There you are! Spike wants to leave for the Dragon Lands! He says he wants to learn more about being a Dragon!" Twilight exclaimed in panic surprising Starfall. The Dragon Migration happened yesterday and Starfall had stopped Rainbow Dash from making Spike insecure about his identity. So why then...

"What?! What brought this on?" He asked her to which Twilight instantly became embarrassed.

"Well I...we had been trying to research Dragons, but there was no knowledge of them in the library...I said that it didn't matter since we were his family now...But I think he got it into his head that he would only learn about dragons if he joined the migration!" Twilight exclaimed to which Starfall just sighed.

"It's alright Twilight. Spike wants to know about his origin. It's natural. We shouldn't stop him, though I'd feel much better if someone was to accompany him in secret." He suggested to which Twilight instantly perked up.

"That's exactly what I was thinking! Rarity even promised to make us a costume! Let's go! I'm worried Spike is going to leave If we don't hurry!" Twilight pulled Starfall by his hoof as he shook his head in bemusement.

He doubted Spike would leave without even saying goodbye to him. And indeed the small dragon waited for Starfall by the entrance ready for the journey.

"Spike. What do I hear about you leaving? Is that true?" He asked walking over to the young Dragon whose expression wavered before steeling.

"Yes Dad! I-I want to learn more about myself! I want to understand what it means to be a dragon...This is why...This is why..." His facade slowly crumbled, and he was clearly about to cry, but before that could happen Starfall and Twilight took the dragon into an embrace.

"It's ok Spike. We understand. Just remember that what defines you, isn't what you are but what you do. As long as you follow your heart, you'll find who you truly are." Starfall whispered to the young Dragon that was now choking on his tears. It was clear that the whole situation had a lot of impact on the kid.

They continued to hug eachother for another while until finally Spike calmed down and smiled wiping his tears.

"I might be a Dragon...But you're my family. While I want to learn more about myself...This places is my home and I'll be back before you know it."He said with conviction surprising Starfall. That...that was more or less the original moral lesson of that episode...for Spike to already know it...it made Starfall feel good about his accomplishments in "parenthood"...

"I'm sure you will. Well be waiting for you tike."He replied before ruffling Spikes headfin, to the dragons chagrin.

Twilight gave Spike her own blessings, and then it was time for them to go their separate ways. The adults getting ready to follow the kid while the kid in question leaving to follow the trail of dragons passing in the Sky...


Spike was just about to leave the border of Ponyville, but suddenly he was accosted by three angry fillies that pinned him to the ground.

"How dare you leave on a dangerous adventure without telling us!" Screamed Sweetie Belle into the terrified Dragons face.

"Yeah! Did you think we would stop you!" Added Apple Bloom equally angry.

"Girls!? No I-" Spike was shocked to see his Fillyfriends catching him in the act. He didn't want to worry either of them, so he opted to leave without saying anything and return as soon as possible...

"No excuses! We aren't letting you go alone Spike!" Scootaloo shouted to the girls agreement.

"Yeah! If you think for a second we'd let you go without us then you're sorely mistaken mister!" Sweetie Belle said.

"But I need to- Wait..."without you"? What do you-?" Spike suddenly caught Sweetie Belle's words and his brain stopped working.

"Why, duh! We're going with you obviously!" Scootaloo explained to Spike's shock.

"Yeah! Cutie Mark Crusaders Dragon Hunters!" Apple Bloom exclaimed!

"Isn't that exciting! I wonder if dragons like singing?..."Sweetie Belle mused aloud while continuing to pin the small dragon and accidentally rubbing his belly, the boy blushing upon finally noticing their slightly less than innocent position...

"Nah! I'm sure they are more cool than that!" Added Scootaloo causing Sweetie Belle to roll her eyes.

"And I say we should try and ask them! Who knows. They might even have concerts or some cool new instruments!" Sweetie Belle said.

It took them a while to calm down and Spike got no chance to protest through the entire ordeal, so it wasn't that surprising when the foursome finally went on their way together, ready for a whole new adventure.

Starfall, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash on the other hoof were less than happy to find the three fillies tagging along for the dangerous adventure. Especially Rarity and Rainbow to whom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were sisters or practically sisters... He had to reassure them and send a message to Applejack, saying that he would ensure their safety from anything that could possibly happen, but it was clear that the fillies were in for a rough welcome when they return...


"Hey Girls! Spike! How about we play the Cupcake roulette? I got some taste changing Cupcakes and more from Pinkie and Meena for our journey!" Exclaimed Apple Bloom at some point showing of her saddleback full of different magical and mundane confectionaries. The girls and Spike looked between eachother before smiling.

"""Let's do this!"'"

And just like that, the journey started to a positive note...




While Starfall and the three mares followed behind them sneakily...