From Dust...

// Yeah I did it. Who can blame me XD

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"Throw it away!" Screamed Sweetie Belle when the cupcake started to glow and tremble as if ready to explode.

Spike didn't need her to tell him that, but in his panic, the muffin soared towards Scootaloo.

"Not to me!" She screamed juggling the muffin in fright before passing it to soar towards Apple Bloom who opened her eyes wide and in a sudden rush of adrenaline performed a praiseworthy kick with her hind-legs, that Applejack would be proud of, sending the muffin flying a few dozen meters into the woods...

"phew...That was scarry..." Sweetie Belle swiped her forehead in relief.

"Yeah. It looked as it was about to-"


A sudden explosion of green fire interrupted Scootaloo. And everyone watched the small mushroom cloud forming over the green fireball in horror.


Starfall and the girls were just following the four children when suddenly the Stallion stiffened and teleported away.

Twilight was worried by his sudden action, but she trusted that he would ensure the children's safety.

But it wasn't even a minute later when a fiery explosion happened not more than a hundred meters from their location...


Suddenly a pair of Phoenixes appeared flying out of the explosion area carrying their eggs to safety.

"What in Tartarus was that!?" Screamed Sweetie Belle in shock.

"I'd think that it was an explosion."Stated Scootaloo before her eyes sparkled in excitement. "And have you seen how as awesome it looked! Can we try again!?" She asked, but received pointed stares from everyone.

"...Or maybe not...hehe..." She laughed awkwardly.

"Girls, we should check that place out. I think we disturbed some Phoenix nest. I totally forgot that they lived around this parts of the southern forest..." Spike said remembering his Dad's lessons.

"Spike's right. What if we injured a Phoenix! That fire was weird. I don't know if a phoenix can withstand it even with this whole "rebirth from ashes" thingy going on..." Sweetie Belle nodded suddenly worried.

They didn't need more persuasion and at once took off in the direction of the explosion.


Starfall had only a few seconds. He knew that the explosion wouldn't be as big as at the lab, but the damage to the environment was something he was going to do his best in avoiding.

His eyes followed the muffin as it fell right in front of him and his magic was already acting in full swing.

He wouldn't be able to completely stop the blast. He wasn't yet that strong...

But protecting the volatile magical fire from spreading would be completely manageable.

He saw the muffin reaching its final moment, before bursting in a green magical explosion that swept an entire tree, and would have reached a dozen meters in diameter of destruction had his barrier not redirected most of the energy into the sky, accidentally creating a mushroom cloud, even when the energy wasn't originally strong enough to make one in the first place.

In his haste to contain the explosion, he failed to notice the family of phoenixes safely escaping the cursed fire...

As the fire died down there was no sign of the large tree remaining, and only a small crater filled with green tinted ashes remained.

Starfall looked at the most likely magically radioactive ashes and he knew that he couldn't leave them here, but there was only one way to dispose of them he knew, and he wasn't sure that he could do it without the elements of harmony.

"Ok, Ok. Starfall, you got this..."He muttered to himself and took a deep breath before invoking the magic of friendship inside of his body. It was going to be especially tough without his "friends" to actually amplify the magic, but it was just a small patch of corrupted earth to purify, it's not like he needed that much power right?...

He felt as his magic mixed with the colorful magic of friendship before his horn started to glow in the familiar rainbow colours. At that moment he was very thankful for his exceptional control over magic because without it he could only dream about using this Magic alone...

But since he was using it more or less for its intended purpose, the magic didn't resist like he knew it could...

With a beam of multicoloured light the ground quickly lost its greenish shimmer, and similarly the dust in the air got affected as a flash of light escaped his horn.

Starfall felt a familiar shiver go down his spine as the magic in his body shook violently for whatever reason, but it didn't affect his spell and in no time at all, the site of the explosion had been purified.

Seeing his job done, Starfall decided to teleport back to his Marefriends. He didn't want the kids to find him here and there shouldn't be any more danger...

He's going to give Spike a crash course on not touching the Potion Treats until he figured out how to stop this from happening...


Spike and the trio of Fillies reached the location of the explosion in a few minutes after it happened. They had seen some weird light shows and decided to approach cautiously in case there was something dangerous waiting for them.

But as they reached the place the only thing they found was a small crater filled with burned ashes. Though the burned remains of roots around the crater gave them an idea that there used to be a tree standing more or less where the crater was now located.

They could feel the heat emanating from the place. Despite Starfall's previous purification, he didn't cool the place down seeing no point and having no time. It would also be suspicious, and while there wasn't much point in keeping his involvement a secret, he liked the idea of this being a learning trip for the kids, and if he told them that he was looking over them the entire time, they would loose some confidence in what they achieved despite it truly being their own achievements.

"Woah...That was just a Muffin right?...A single one?" Asked a wide eyes Sweetie Belle.

"Are you sure it was a muffin?" Asked Scootaloo similarly amazed by the destruction and a bit guilty for her previous remarks. This destruction made her realise that she should be more sensible...

"It tasted like one... Though I don't think I'm going to eat them anymore. I don't know what the two Pies put into them, but this is probably why Dad warned me to stay clear from them..." Spike said awkwardly, and a bit guilty for not listening.

"Hey look! What's that!?" Apple Bloom suddenly pointed towards the crater and everyone looked at once at what she was pointing.

There was something small and green, glowing from under the dust in the middle of the crater.

"Uhh...Is it the remains of the muffin? Do you think it's going to explode again?..." Said a worried Sweetie Belle, but Scootaloo shook her head with her eyes squinted.

"I doubt it. I'm no expert but if something explodes, it wouldn't leave parts to explode later...and look. I think it's bigger than the muffin!" She pointed out and everyone noticed that the object covered by dust was clearly bigger.

Spike squinted his eyes. His feet slowly carried him towards the crater.

"Spike be careful! it's hot!" Sweetie Belle warned him but Spike just smiled.

"Don't worry Belle. Dragon. Did you forget?" He pointed at himself showing that the hot ashen ground didn't burn him at all.

"Ah! Right...Just be careful..." She pleaded with a lot of emotions in her eyes.

Spike was a bit taken aback by the emotions in her eyes but he could feel a warm feeling in his chest. They cared for him this much... It felt somehow different than before, but...better...

Spike smiled at the girls and nodded before turning back to the crater.

He carefully walked down the slope and in no time reached the glowing object.

He looked at it for a moment. he wasn't sure if he should touch it...but suddenly a stick fell at his side, consideration of Apple Bloom...

Spike smiled in her direction before taking the stick and poking the unidentified object.

It wasn't big. Maybe three-five times larger than the muffin, and as the stick pushed the ashes away from it, the object revealed it's true form...

...It was an Egg!...And Spike knew exactly what creature's egg it was...A Phoenix!...But...


Why was it Green?...


Inside the Golden Oak Library, a certain lazy Phoenix suddenly shuddered.

For some reason she felt like troubles were coming her way...