Looming threat...


It was torture guys I tell ya. Over two weeks of having completely no inspiration, I mean like at all! I have the tendency of talking to myself and making a random story in the Konrad universum whenever I go to take a shower if you catch my drift, and I literally couldn't make up anything! Add to it that this chapter was hard to write on itself and it was only today that I finally felt recovered enough to make something that I feel sounded good enough to post for you.

Then there's also the fact I'm having my exam session at the university and should have been studying instead of writing this chapter but what can I say...haha..ha...

So Anyway! Hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


"To think those foolish Ponies believed that such a weak barrier could stop one such as myself!" The mare laughed to herself as she passed the guard outpost without being accosted, the enormous barrier covering the entire Canterlot failing to detect her under her powerful magical disguise.

It was a shame she couldn't bring any of her loyal subjects on this mission, but she trusted her strength and knew that she would be able to accomplish her goals. For now they would have to wait, until this accursed barrier is weak enough for them to pass through.

"Halt! Please identify yourself!" A new guard stopped her suddenly as she could take another step into the city, albeit this one gave off the feeling of somepony much more important than those pawns standing at the border.

"Wha-me? I'm just a visitor my dear, handsome guard. Saddle River is my name. Might I be prone to know yours?" She asked in the sweetest way possible, internally vomiting at the interaction. But it was certainly worth it. This Stallion was strong! She could already taste how much delicious love she could suck from him.

But with how strong he clearly was, it wouldn't be so simple to catch him in her magical clutches. She needed to learn more about him, and get stronger before she could even try. The years of starvation her hive had to endure certainly didn't make her in any way ready to hunt for any big fish...

But her instinct screamed at her to try. She could practically feel the love he had inside of him. So... Delicious... He might even be able to satisfy her...ha! As if! It's not like there was a limit to how much she could take. She was the Queen after all!

The Stallion dropped his guard slightly and finally replied.

"My name is Shining Armour. I'm the Captain of the Royal Guard. Miss Saddle, please do try not to stay in the open for too long. The Military blockade was placed not without a reason. It's for everypony's safety." Shining armour stated before turning around and leaving the mare to her own devices...

Said mare licked her lips in excitement.

'Im sure we'll see eachother again..."my love"' She giggled menacingly, leaving in search of some unfortunate sob she could use to gather more power and information...


Starfall walked up the stairs of the highest tower, from time to time taking a look outside the window. It was quite the sight to be honest, although the huge pink barrier bubble surrounding the entire city reminded him of something rather unpleasant... Fallout Equestria really did a number on Canterlot after all...

But the spell itself was truly impressive. To think Shining Armour could cast something of this size after taking advantage of his Cutie Mark affinity, proved that there was still a lot he had to learn about Ancient Magic.

His eyes landed on his flank where the purple Magic Circle stood out proudly over his white coat. a small impulse of magic was all he needed to make it light up, showing a number of symbols he "unlocked" throughout his life, which suspiciously often happened whenever he got close with a new pretty mare...

While he abhorred the idea of his Cutie Marks turning him into a "mare collector", He couldn't deny that there was something that connected the two together. Thankfully that wasn't the only way he could "unlock" more of the symbols, but it was certainly an effective one...

His musings stopped short though, as he finally found himself in front of the doors leading into Celestia's Study.

It was time to talk with her about the current predicament...


"It's quite troubling Sisters... I have noticed at least a dozen...all of them hiding at the borders..." Midnight spoke in a heavy tone as she returned from her patrol.

"Are we positive about their identity?" Celestia asked, receiving negative response from the two other princesses.

"I'm sorry Tia. We could only sense their negative intentions. But I can say for certain that they aren't Ponies." Luna said while opening a magical portal that Starfall would have been proud off.

From the portal came out a guard who gave a deep bow, waiting for a permission to speak.

"Private Bracer, please speak of what you've seen." Said Luna, and the Pony quickly replied.

"My Princesses. I have been standing guard at the eastern border, looking for anything out of the ordinary. At one point I saw something...A Creature. it was far away, and the barrier might have disrupted my vision, but I'm positive it was coloured black, had the shape of a smaller pony, and the moment I set my eyes on it, it instantly disappeared in the bushes." The guard explained receiving contemplative looks from the other two princesses.

"Thank you Private. You may go." Luna said, and the guard left through the portal that closed behind him.

A silence fell between the three until finally Celestia spoke.

"That was a splendid portal spell Sister. Did Starfall finally taught it to you?" She asked, and Luna smiled.

"Oh yes! Indeed! He actually modified the original to make it easier to cast! I really don't understand why Starswirl had to make it so hard that even we didn't bother to learn it..." Luna said with annoyance. She only got the hang of it a few days ago and only because she was an Alicorn. Starfall was still having troubles with it, even if he could do it by accident while sneezing apparently... Sometimes she couldn't understand that Stallion...

"Let's get back to the topic shall we? Do we have any idea about the enemy's identity?" Midnight asked and the other two shook their heads.

"There's too many possibilities. We can't be too sure until we catch one of them." Celestia said and all the Princesses slumped.

"Let's hope Starfall gets here soon. He might be able to shed some light on the enemy. I hate to admit it, but he is much more knowledgeable than me in regards to potentially dangerous creatures, despite living over a thousand years shorter..." Luna said a bit dejected, receiving an eye roll from Celestia.

"Oh please Luna. Even I don't remember all the creatures that haunt the far corners Equestria, and I actually had those thousand years which I could spend on reading through the old records. It's not like we could remember everything anyway. You have no reason to blame yourself." Celestia tried to calm her sister and received a thankful smile from the mare.

"You're right Sis. I just feel like we should have been more prepared. But I guess it's true that we aren't omnipotent, nor omniscient. No matter what some of our more fanatical Citizens might think." She said with a giggle mirrored by the two other princesses.

They looked between eachother and smiled, before performing a group hug. It was so great to have an understanding family...

"I think I'll go on the patrol Tia. Maybe I can catch one of them and share some light on the situation." Luna said getting up an walking towards the balcony.

"I'll go with you. I think it would be safer if I keep an eye on you in case they tried to catch you off guard. Whoever they are." Midnight said standing up, and Luna nodded before flying into the sky followed by her Sister/clone.

Celestia looked after them and sighed to herself. It was one thing after the other ever since Starfall was born into this world.

She blushed remembering how she cuddled the little foal not long after his birth. She was so happy when Pharma invited her to see him...or more like she invited herself, but who would point out those unimportant details. Oh dear, he was so cute back then, and oh so special from the very beginning. Though she still couldn't fathom how he managed to woo her in the end. Nopony had ever managed to so much as make her heart stutter, and yet he did just that and much more by simply treating her as an equal, a friend, and somepony she could trust inexplicably. She had some ponies in the past that tried to court her, but none had managed to move her, as she was too engrossed in her work and...oh...that's right...It's because she got jealous of Luna's right?...That was the first spark probably. The spark that made her realise, Starfall meant to her much more than just a friend. And everything that happened afterwards. All his accomplishments. All those events, that showed him to be different from your average Pony. All this culminating in her repressed emotions finally forming Daybreaker, and her following defeat. Yet through all that, Starfall showed her only kindness and care.

Oh she was getting wet on just the memory of what happened after He kissed her that very first time. When Daybreaker finally disappeared. What happened later...mmm...

She was just about to masturbate to the memory of her first time, when there was a sudden knock on the doors to the tower.

"Ah!?... C-come in..." She called out startled, quickly standing up and trying to make herself look a bit more regal, a heavy blush covering her cheeks...

But the moment she saw who came into the room, a mixed feelings of relief and excitement spread through her body.

Because the Stallion of her dreams just entered the premises...
