A short walk...


Just a heads-up, this chapter is very short but I'll try to write another one on Wednesday. I'm literally in the middle of my exams and should be studying mates haha...

Tomorrow...or today I guess, I have one exam. then the next day I have two sooo....Well, you know how it is. studying and procrastination plus a lot of Isaac and Stardew Valley for relaxation haha..ha... Ugh...Sweet Celestia Give me strength...

Anyway hope you like it despite its shortness and like always EEEENJOY!!!


Looking at Shining Armour walking in circles with an excited grin as he told him his story about proposing to Cadence, was one of the most amusing sights Starfall ever seen when it came to the older Stallion, who usually kept the visage of a cool and laid back, but often serious, older brother/Captain of the Royal Guards.

It had been already over twenty minutes, yet I'd didn't seem as if the other party had any intentions of stopping. It was clear how much Armour loved Cadence.

His old foalsitter and now Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, whose Alicorn aspect revolved around love, had completely stole the heart of the Stallion, and it was no wonder why Chrysalis would have targeted him as with the addition of his quite exceptional magical talent, He was basically a fountain of love-saturated magic in the eyes of any hungry Changeling...

Although he also considered Chrysalis quite foolish, for the simple reason that she sealed Cadence in the Canterlot Caves, probably hoping she would die there, when Cadence was probably the only being in Equestria beside him, potentially capable of almost effortlessly feeding the entire Changeling Civilisation just by herself...

I mean Just think about it! Changelings feed on love, And she can literally produce it and spread it around like it's a freaking candy!

Starfall shook his head it this thought and decided to focus back on what was in front of him, as it seemed Shining Armour was just about to tell him for the third time how he invited Cadence to a donut tasting Date...


Having gotten out of the house after getting an invitation to the wedding and reminding Armour to tell Twilight in advance about it so she wouldn't be angry of not getting informed about her own older brother's wedding, Starfall went into town, decided that it was as good time as any to do some good ol' patroling.

His eyes briefly passed over the pink transparent barrier surrounding the entire City. He had asked Armour about it, and received quite a satisfactory explanation and even a presentation, which Starfall found ti be a fascinating example of Ancient Magic in the form of Cutie Marks, giving a supposedly regular albeit relatively strong pony, a power that for all intents and purposes could be easily sung in legends...

Just think of all those legendary ponies!

One Who's "talent" turned him from a small weak colt into a strong and physically powerful stallion capable of digging moats faster than the flow of lava from a volcano that had just erupted. A Mare capable of sharing and literally giving up her beauty, channeling it so that she could make the world a more beautiful place. A Unicorn, who with just one Spell, that she did completely by instinct, cast a Magic so powerful that it still lingers until this day, it's fire kept aflame through all the ponies that still believe in Friendship. And now a Unicorn who's barrier magic could stop a literal army for weeks on en...

Starfall smiled to himself. While he could now reproduce the spell that Shining performed, and probably even improve it if given some time, Armour did it, having almost none of the theoretical knowledge that he culminated through years of study and only relayed on his basic magical education and instinct, channeling magic with the help of his Cutie Mark. It shows how much still could be learned from them if you have an open enough mind...

It's one thing when your talent is something vague, like "magic". But it becomes much more interesting when it's is something much more specific, like the current example, "Shield's and protection".

Just think what Whooves, with his Cutie Mark depicting an hourglass and giving him an uncanny ability of managing his time, could do, if he were a Unicorn trying to study time magic... Or Let's go with an existing example. Rarity, and her amazing talent of finding Gemstones.

Starfall was almost certain that if she just tried, she might be able to do much more with them, or even create a spell that lets her form a gemstone out of raw materials, change their colour, shape, cut, or maybe even animate them...

It took him a great deal of self restraint to stop himself from further daydreaming. He went out on a patrol after all... then he should go and do just that. Patrolling...
