Totally Not a Shapeshifter...


It's finally here! I'm sorry for the delay. I have no excuse other than just not feeling like writing recently. I didn't want to force myself because that would only end up being counterproductive and my chapters would be of lower quality. I truly hope me writing this chapter is a good sign, but if I keep going to sleep at 3 am I'm not sure I'll be in the right state of mind to do anything productive any time soon...well but you're not here to listen me ranting i know so go on and have fun reading!!

I hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


"Me too! Me too!" Exclaimed Sweetie Belle as Spike separated from Apple bloom, dazed by what she had just experienced.

"Hey it was my turn now Belle!" Butted in a pouting Scootaloo, eliciting a sheepish expression from the little filly as she unashamedly stole a deep kiss from the eager dragon...

"You!..." Scootaloo wanted to complain, but before she could say anything more, she found herself in the surprisingly strong embrace of her "Special Somedragon"...

The foursome had been just in the process of getting ready for the rehearsal, excited at the prospect of their first ever wedding, but they had been heavily sidetracked upon putting on their cute dresses, as Spike couldn't stop himself from showing each of his fillyfriends how much they meant for him, too enamored by seeing them in their newest regalia. Of course none of the fillies complained, each more than happy to receive a kiss from the young handsome dragon, who as it were was currently wearing a very elegant tuxedo and a top hat...

But all good things have to come to an end, as the time for the rehearsal was coming soon, so they had to stop with their little fun time and get themselves ready.

No sooner that Spike helped Sweetie belle put on the last ribbon and flower in her mane, it was time for them to go to the throne room which acted as the venue for the wedding.

"But I'm so happy for you girls! To think you got the role of throwing the flower petals in front of the braid and groom!..Are you sure you're ready?" He asked the girls a bit worried if they were ready for the attention, but the girls reassured him that they were more than happy to do their part, and they'll do their best before joining him In the audience.

They were just about to open the large doors leading into the throne room, expecting the wedding rehearsal to be about ready to start, so it was with great surprise when they found themselves looking at not one but two Princesses Mi Amore Cadenzas standing in front of one another, presumably ready to beat the other one to a pulp...


"You're so going to get spanked for this Starfall..." Cadence said with an annoyed but still happy expression as the group finally broke through the crystalline wall of her late prison.

The place looked nothing like how it did in the show, having all the commodities needed for a comfortable stay of the Princess, a bathtub, a vanity set with a plethora of cosmetics, a large comfy bed, and even a stack of novels and a magical lamp so that Cadence didn't get bored.

Starfall laughed awkwardly while scratching the back of his head.

"I guess I deserve it... though I think I also deserve some leeway for getting you all this stuff?" He pointed out and Cadence rolled her eyes, while the girls snickered at his predicament.

"Let's not waste time Everyone! The more time we spend chatting, the weaker my brother becomes!" Twilight pointed out, nonetheless giving Cadence a tight hug and reenacting their old secret greeting to everyone's fond amusement.

"You are right Darling. Let's go to the throne room at once!" Said Rarity, speaking everyone's mind.

Without any further addo, the ponies and one buffalo, went on their way, Starfall easily dispelling the magic on a trio of mind controlled bridesmaids trying to stop them from escaping...


It was so close! She could almost feel it! Equestria at her hooves! Shining Armour, the tool of her victory, all but a puppet to her whims. A source of love so strong that she had to expend a lot of work to even approach him. and yet here she was, the wedding venue.

True...It might just be the rehearsal before the real thing, but she could already smell the victory.

When the barrier finally falls and Shining Armour is completely under her control, nothing was going to stand in her way, and nopony would expect that it was her doing all along, mwahahaha!!!

Yet there was still that one, hard to pinpoint sensation of unease... Something didn't feel right.

And there was also him...Starfall...

Why her body reacted like this every time she thought about him..the shudders...the warmth...There was no time that she didn't want to have him destroyed, just so that those infuriating emotions disappeared.

She was a Changeling! A creature of darkness!

Feeding on emotions of those lower creatures was the nature of their existence! There was no place for them feel...

Yet why did it feel so pathetic to her whenever she tried to reassure herself?...

She shook her head of all those stray thoughts as the music began, indicating that it was her time to enter the venue.

She could see Celestia standing there on the podium, waiting for her with her puppet, to go through the rehearsal of the ceremony. For all intents and purposes it was all just like it would be tomorrow when the real wedding finally happens, although without anyone sitting in the audience, with the exception of a few notable ponies...who surprisingly didn't show up either...

Neither the Bridesmaids nor the friends and family of her puppet appeared at the venue. Eve the three fillies who were supposed to throw flower petals in front of her, a stupid tradition if you asked her, were running late, with that surprisingly tasty looking little dragon nowhere to be seen, probably doing those tree instead of showing up to do his work...those savages...Huh...maybe she could get some of her Changelings to have him-

*FWOOP* The sound of the large doors interrupted the rehearsal alongside her thoughts as she turned around to look at who had the gals to do such a thing, only for her heart to skip a beat.

It was him...The pony that haunted her dreams...

"What...What is the meaning of this!?..." She asked and the Stallion only gave her this infuriating smile before stepping aside revealing...Oh... Oh no...Not now! No...Wait... that's...That's fine...She just needs to have her puppet drop the barrier and she should be able to commence the attack...Act confident Chrissy! They won't know what hit them! You're strong enough now... hopefully...

"Ha...HaHaHa...HAHAHAHA!!!" she laughed with a surprisingly well done evil laugh as green magic fire surrounded her, before turning into a green Pilar of fire while her partially visible silhouette changed form to a larger and much more sinister one.

Then the green fire ceased, revealing her real form. A large, black, and skinny, pony shaped creature, with see through holes covering her limbs and large horn, And with bug-like wings of a sickly bluish green colour that was also the same colour of her tail and straight, slightly ripped mane which easily reached past her shoulders.

She also wore a small black crown with green gems as the only ornament, presumably to indicate her status as the Queen.

She was actually quite pretty in her own way. She had that, evil villain goth girl vibe to her, but Starfall realised that she wasn't really bad looking per say...

"Well, well, well. Princess...I didn't expect you to escape my prison so early, But I guess there's no helping it now. As the Queen of the Changelings, it is my duty to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more 'Love' than any place I've ever encountered! My fellow Changeling will be able to Devour so much of it, that we will gain more power than we could ever dream of!" Chrysalis said in a haughty tone as her steps took her closer towards her late prisoner.

"You won't succeed Changeling! We will stop you and-" Cadence was about to rush at the Changeling Queen, but was stopped by Twilight as she could see the magic at the tip of Chrysalis horn, ready to blast them at the slightest provocation.

"Hahaha! Yes! Your friend is smart little girl. though it's not me you should be worried about..." she said dangerously as her horn lit up slightly before Shining Armour took a step towards the window.

"Y-you coward!" Screamed Cadence now fearful for the life of her beloved.

"Ah Shining Armour. He was such a great source of power, he really loves you, you know?... it would be a shame to lose him... though I could easily find a substitute when Equestria falls under my hoofs Mwahahaha!" She laughed, while inwardly trying to push Shining Armour to dispel his barrier. Had it been a day later, her Changelings might have been able to break through it without compromising her position, but now the barrier still stood and she was already in the open, so it didn't matter if it was Shining Armour who destroyed his own barrier.

But it was then that all her plans started to crumble.

"Is that really what you want?" A voice asked and Chrysalis' heart skipped a beat once again. Her facade momentarily crumbled as her eyes went back towards the Stallion who led Cadence and all those other mares into the chamber.

She imagined many things in his expression. Disgust, revulsion, disappointment. And was resigned to receive it. She was a Changeling after all. that was the norm even if a part of her hoped that it would be different for that particular pony, no matter how she hated herself for such thoughts.

Yet what she saw on his face as he stepped closer wasn't any of those. She could see sadness, but also understanding and... pity...This...He pitied her!? Why! It didn't make sense. And how dare he pity her. She's The Queen of Changelings! She doesn't need anypony's pity. And especially not from...from him!

"Of...Of course I do! I am Chrysalis! The Queen of Changelings. Who are you, to question my motives!?" She asked, as her focus completely shifted towards that single unicorn, unaware of how Cadence sneaked her way towards Shining Armour, nor how all the others took a few steps back, actually curious to see how all of this was going to play out...

Spike even procured a bag of popcorn from Pinkie Pie and shared it with his fillies after they got into the venue unnoticed by the others...

As for where Pinkie Pie got herself a bag of popcorn to share?...That shall remain a mystery...

"I do not question your motives Chrissy. I ask whether that is really what you want? Power? or is it just an excuse for wanting something you want, and know only one way to get it...?" He asked and Chrysalis stumbled at hearing his question. 'What she really wanted?... To feed her make sure they don't of course it's for the love of others... because...because Changelings don't Love!' Her expression became darkened.

"You're right... it's not for power... It has always been for my Changelings...My subjects starved for generations! Power was just an added bonus which I am more than happy to embrace!" She screamed the last part as a powerful beam of magic escaped her crooked horn and impacted Starfall, generating a blinding explosion and causing everypony to scream in worry, some of them calling the name of the Stallion.

Chrysalis on the other hand looked towards the direction of her attack with an unreadable expression, as a small tear fell down her cheek without her notice...

//To be continued...;p//