Chapter 13: Arsenal Room

More than a thousand soldiers of the Armed Forces of Maharlica will be gathered during the 30th anniversary of the Gruna Monarchy. We are clearly outnumbered. Therefore, we need to know the exact place and the exact time of all the events that will happen during the anniversary to sneak into the place before the army arrives. We can't win no matter how strategic we might get in the war. We only need to kill Mirando. We do not want a bloodbath, if possible.

We need to get there earlier than anyone because sneaking into a place swarming with armies is impossible. Once Mirando is dead, this nation will no longer have a king, and once that happens the armed forces will be bound to prioritize nothing else but public safety.

A hefty number of weapons came in a truck. Gulu and I along with some members from the other team supervised and helped on bringing the weapons to the arsenal room.

We need a good amount of weapons if we want to go to war.

The arsenal room is located on a secret underground burrowed by the first generation Somaros and Somaras more than twenty-five years ago.

Many soldiers helped in transporting the weapons from the truck to the arsenal room. The entrance of the arsenal room is a circular metal door on the ground at the very back portion outside the HQ. When I opened the metallic door on the ground there was a stair leading downwards. I'm carrying a bag full of bombs while Gulu is transporting some rifles.

There were other soldiers behind us so I started going down the stairs. A few meters down, the ground became level. There is a cart waiting, just three meters from where I am standing, for the transportation of the weapons. I carefully placed the bombs on the cart. Gulu also placed the rifles on the cart. The soldiers following us also did the same. When the cart was almost full, Gulu and I started pushing the cart while the other soldiers left to get another batch of weapons to be transported.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived in front of a big door that was being guarded by a Somaro. Our fellow soldier opened the door and let us in. When we arrived inside the arsenal room, there were lots of weapons in there. Different guns; rifles, pistols, revolvers, snipers, bombs, there are also mines and different types of knives.

There are also weapons shrouded by cloth. When I uncovered it, more and more weapons greeted me. Although this room looked like a storage room packed with weapons, this amount is actually insufficient to back us up in the war. This amount can never win against the king's army.

The Chief knew that from the very beginning. And we knew that as well. That's why it took us this long to finally kill the king. It took us this long to build the plan very slowly. Because we can't win fist to fist.

During all the past years, all we did was operate from backstage. Toy with the officials. Reveal Mirando's true colors to the public to hurt his image. And now, we're finally taking the last step.

The Chief waited for us to grow up, get stronger, and have more hatred to finally do this. He built an army out of the homeless and orphaned children.

Only a month is left. After a month, I can finally breathe.

Much of our funds go to the weapons. We need weapons to train the soldiers. And we had to climb up on the mountains when we train on shooting so that no one from the city would hear the loud gunshots. We went through all those hassles for more than twenty years. There is that sense of anxiousness mixed with excitement and ecstasy that finally, the day we can all stop our suffering is so near. We just need to do that one final mission. Kill His Majesty.

"Will this much be enough?" I contemplated loudly while looking around the room.

"Definitely not," Gulu countered. "That's why we need to succeed in killing the king. Because if we fail, he will not spare our lives. Many innocent people will die."

And we can't let that happen.


As I'm standing inside our bathroom in the camp, I stared in contemplation on the faucet with the water falling down on the empty pail. We do not have showers in the camp. We use pails and dippers when we take a bath.

Although this bathroom is ugly, I've been using this for almost twenty years now. I cried here many times when I didn't want anyone else to know I was crying. And today's gonna be the last time I'm using this. I will move out from here and live in an apartment in Hermit Homes. And I'll never be able to come back here.

Because I'll make sure that Mirando will be dead and Soma will no longer have a reason to go back here.

I took some of my clothes from the camp to take them to the apartment that the Chief got for me in Hermit Homes. I felt bad for the luxury I received while the others were suffering in the same old rooms. Geraldine is driving me there, and she's frantic about me, leaving the camp.

Before I left our room, I roamed my eyes around our windowless room. It'll be my last time here too.

The Chief told me not to return to the camp anymore while I'm seeing the prince, to be safe. And that I should only contact them for updates about my mission.

"Baby, stop that. You're making me cry," Geraldine suddenly begged, almost tearing up.

"I didn't know this old room has this sentimental value to me."

Geraldine walked up to me and hugged me. "You traitor! Why are you leaving? I thought we would leave this place together?"

I brushed off the tears from her cheek. "I had to leave, so we could all leave this place."

"Still, you're a traitor."

"Don't miss me too much, brat."

She just pouted. As much as I don't want to leave her, I have a mission to prioritize.

Geraldine stayed silent when we were in the car. When we passed by a children's park, with kids playing on the swing, on the seesaw, on the slides, Geraldine spoke with nostalgia. "I remember my dad used to take me to a park and play with me on a swing. Those were the glory days."

I realized that I don't really know much about her. I've been with her since I was thirteen when the Chief brought her to the camp. We became friends since her day one at the camp.

This is the first time I heard her talk about her parents.

"What happened to him?" I pose a question.

It took a couple of seconds before I heard her answer. "His Majesty took him away from me." There is a sense of sadness in the way she said that. I was confused because I expected anger from her and not sadness.

Maybe because she missed her parents.

"And your mom?" I added.

"I never met her. She left us when I was born."

My heart is breaking for her. Geraldine is such a cheerful person. She can always be seen smiling and laughing and because of that I sometimes forget that she's also in the camp because something terrible happened to her, just like any other individual in the camp.

"My dad is the reason why I joined the camp. He made me."

My parents were also the reason why I joined the camp. No one can understand the pain of a Somara better than a fellow Somara. I squeezed her thigh a little to console her. Although I know from experience that consolation doesn't work at all.

When we arrived at Hermit Homes, I hugged Geraldine. We won't be seeing each other for a while. "Percy, don't cry while hugging my pillow okay?"

She giggled. "If the captain can hear you, you will be scolded for using code names out of operation."

We are actually not allowed to use our code names when we are not on a mission. Simply because code names are supposed to be codes exclusive on our team missions for secrecy.

"Always be careful, Rath." Geraldine reminded and looked at me with an intensity I cannot fathom. "When something's too good, then it mustn't be true."

I nodded at her although I was bothered by what she said. When something's too good to be true, then it must be a lie.

I took my bag from the trunk of the car and watched Geraldine drive away. I hope she won't cry tonight because of me.

I walked near the big gate of Hermit Homes. How am I supposed to go inside? There's nothing here that I could use to let someone know that I am here.

Then I noticed at the very side of the gate there's a machine that looked like a card scanner. I think there's also an intercom.

First, let's try the intercom. I pushed the switch button. "Uhm, anybody there?"

"How may I help you, ma'am?" Voice of a man came back as an answer.

"I'm a new resident here. Can you let me in please?"

"Do you have the resident card, ma'am?"

Resident card? What does he--

Ah! That card! I remember the Chief gave me a card. He said I'll be using it all the time. I took it from my wallet.

"Yes I have, should I swipe this card on the scanner?"

"Yes ma'am, please do so."

When I swiped my card on the scanner, I heard the gate move. Then when it opened enough for me to enter, I went through it. A kind-looking man in his early 50's came to me, which I assumed was the security guard judging from his uniform.

"Welcome to Hermit Homes ma'am. I'm Emelito, a security guard. You can use the card to get in and out of the compound. And if you ever need help," he pointed at the guardhouse that is beside the gate, "a guard will be there 24/7."

"Thank you."

"Wait here ma'am I'm going to call someone to assist you."

"Thank you very much."

The guard went back to the guardhouse. And a few moments later, another man approached me.

"Hello ma'am, I am Peter, a helper here. Please do not hesitate to call me if you need assistance."

This residential compound is too fancy. Why did I pick Hermit Homes out of the many? I wonder how much the Chief has to spend to rent an apartment for me here.

Green grass is spreading from both sides of the cemented two-lane road from the gate and towards the apartment buildings, which are a bit far from the gate.

"Let me help you with this, ma'am." He took the bag I was carrying. Peter led me to one of the golf carts. He placed my bag in there and motioned me to ride on it. I sat in the back seat of the golf cart.

He handed me a leaflet. It looks like a list of all persons I could contact for assistance.

Peter pointed somewhere in the leaflet. And it reads, 'Transportation Assistance'.

"Since the main gate is a bit far from the buildings, you can call our office and we will immediately send a golf cart to you. You can also call us if you ever need assistance."

"Uhmm, thanks."

I'm kind of uncomfortable with this super fancy treatment. I am not used to this.

"What building, ma'am?"


What building? I looked at my resident card to look for what building I should go to.

"Uhmm, it says here, Chastity Building, unit 613."

"Okay, ma'am. Let's go."

As I rode on the golf cart, I came to look at the whole place. It's amazing. I'm in awe. This is such a beautiful place. Am I really going to live here? For real?

A rush of adrenaline came to me. Excitement suddenly prevailed in me about the whole idea that I'm going to live in a big and luxurious apartment.

I don't know just how big this compound is but it's really big. There are three buildings and each building has at least 20 floors each. The three buildings are in a semi-circle formation and in the center, there's a huge beautiful fountain.

"The building on the right is the Poverty Building."

"What?" I exclaimed. "Why is it called Poverty? Are the people living there poor?" Then I should've been there. Why am I in the Chastity Building? I am not chaste.

"No ma'am. It's just the name of the building."


"The one on the left is the Detachment Building. And the one in the center is where you're gonna live. Chastity Building."

What's with these building names? It's kinda weird to me.

"Why are they named like that?" I curiously asked.

The golf cart stopped in front of the Chastity Building. The fountain in the center is surrounded by a one-lane road. When you are riding a vehicle you have to circle around the fountain in order to get in or get out. That means if you use the road from the Poverty Building, then you have to continue driving up to the Chastity then to the Detachment Building, or vice versa. Since it has a single-lane road, you cannot just turn a car around. You have to circle around the fountain.

"It's just named by the owner based on the virtues a hermit must practice."




So that's why. Interesting...

Peter carried my bag and led me inside the Chastity Building. Just as I expected, the inside is grand. I don't know much about these things but for me, this looked like a very grandiose building. I feel like I don't belong here. He led me to the elevator.

The elevator opened when we arrived on the 6th floor. Then finally we arrived in front of a unit which is labeled 613. My unit.

"You can open the door ma'am so I can put your things inside."

"Uhmm, how do I do that? I don't have a key."

"You can use your resident card ma'am."

"Oh!" I suddenly felt stupid for being ignorant. I placed my card on the card reader and the door unlocked. Peter put down my bag inside.

"Do you need anything, ma'am? Or is there anything you wanna know?"

Something's been bothering me. And I feel like I can't sleep all night if I don't ask this.

"Uhmm, do you know how much is the monthly rent here?"

He looked like he was taken aback by what I said. Maybe he didn't expect me to ask that. "Nevermind, Peter. Thanks."

The helper got out and I was left alone in this big fancy apartment.

Is this mine? Is this really mine? Really? Am I not dreaming?

I snapped out of my happiness. I feel like it's not okay to feel this happy about having a new home when the other soldiers in the camp are suffering.


I love it! I can't help but be happy! This isn't as luxurious as Neuron's apartment, but this is already too good for me.

I jumped around like a happy little kid. I checked the bathroom, pretty! And it has a shower! I checked the kitchen, pretty! I checked my bedroom, and it's so pretty! The bed is so soft and I can't hear any creaking. Even the smell of the whole room is amazing. I love it!

The sheets are so fragrant.


I have a window!

I happily stared outside through the overlooking glass window. I can't believe my room has a window! I know this isn't something to be happy about, but our room in the camp has no window. And I've always wished to have one because it's so hot there.

And now, I have a window! I am so happy and I feel like crying. I had learned to detach myself from material things for the obvious reason that no one can provide me with them. And I thought I completely have no desire for these types of material things, but now that it's here, I realized, I'm also an ordinary poor girl who wants grandeur in life.

I dropped my whole body on the soft bed. I closed my eyes and tried to take in all that's happening. A bed like this. It suddenly reminds me of the life I had when my parents were still alive.

Without realizing it, I almost dozed off into sleep when my phone suddenly rang. I panicked when I saw it was Neuron.

"Are you at home?" He asked.

I roam my eyes around the bedroom. This is home for me now. At least for a month. Might as well claim it. "Yeah, why?"

"Can you come here? The guard won't let me in."

"You're outside?" I pumped up and the drowsiness suddenly left my body.


"Why do you always come unannounced?" I whined in a slightly annoyed tone.

What if I didn't move in today? What will happen then?

"Should I go home, then?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry. Wait there."

When I ended the call I panicked. I quickly took my bag and took my clothes and put it in the closet. What am I gonna do? The apartment looks so empty!

How will I explain it to him?

But wait...

Who said he will come inside? Right.. we can just go somewhere else.

I took the leaflet that Peter gave me earlier and called their office to ask for a golf cart. And it's amazing how fast they are. When I arrived outside the building a golf cart was already waiting for me. Someone else is driving it.

"Are you from unit 613 ma'am?" the guy asked courteously.


"I will take you to the main gate, ma'am."

"Oh please, just call me Rathna."

He smiled and nodded at me.

I rode the golf cart and when I arrived I stepped out of it and the gate opened. I saw Emelito from the guardhouse who gave me a thumbs up. I went outside, and a good-looking guy wearing an expensive-looking well-pressed suit greeted me.

"Don't you have anything else to do, Sir? Why are you here?"

"Beats me. I'm asking myself the same thing. I don't know why I keep on looking for you amid my busy day."

I need to keep in mind that I only have less than a month to make Neuron bring me to the palace. I need to get inside there this week or next week if possible. And I still don't know how I'm gonna do that.

Before coming here, I already decided what to do with Neuron. I think being a friend is not an option anymore. It will not suffice.

I need to be his lover.

I walked near him and circled my hands on his waist and rested my head on his chest. He wasn't sure what to do at first, but I felt his hands wrap around me.

"Would you believe me, sir, if I tell you I missed you?"

He tightened his embrace on me and whispered, "I missed you too."