Chapter 18: Solar

"Where are we heading to?"

He casually leaned in and fastened my seat belt for me like he always used to do.

"You're going to meet someone special to me." He fastened his own seat belt then he started the engine and started driving.

Someone special? His majesty? No way, right?

"Who?" I implored with evident anticipation.


I felt a ringing sensation in my ears. It's like I suddenly became deaf when I heard it's a lady's name.

"Your sister?" I queried with a heavy tone.

He chuckled. "Far from that. How could I make that gorgeous lady, my sister?"


Is he kidding me? He hasn't even called me gorgeous directly and now he's calling another woman gorgeous? In front of me? Annoying jerk! Infuriating asshole!

I maintained my sight ahead and stopped myself from glancing at him.

"Really.. so we're meeting this gorgeous lady named Solar. Who is special to you? How special?"

I swear I tried to sound indifferent, but instead, I sounded so sarcastic.

"Very special."

I clenched my fist at his answer. I never heard him say I am special to him. But he has no problem saying that when it comes to that lady. Why is this making me angry for some reason?

"She's gorgeous, huh? How gorgeous?"

"Very very gorgeous. You will love her too."

I gritted my teeth. Very gorgeous?! I will love her?! How?! How on earth would I love her when she's too gorgeous to be his sister, and very gorgeous to become someone special to him?

Is this jerk completely oblivious to what he's doing to me? Or is he doing this on purpose? Either way, I am displeased!

I stared down at what I was wearing. Why is my fashion sense so tacky?!

With a demanding voice, I said, "Let's stop by a boutique."

Although I can't see him, I knew he gave me a glance. "Why?"

"You're buying me clothes."

I heard him softly chuckle. "Alright, ma'am. I'll buy you clothes."

I never spoke a word again until he pulled the car over in front of a boutique. He's about to unfasten his seatbelt but I stopped him.

"You don't have to come with me."

"What?" he shot back in disbelief. "Your boyfriend is the one who's buying. And it's usually the boyfriend who evaluates the girlfriend's pick."

"I thought you haven't dated anyone before? Why do you know so many cliches?"

He pressed his lips together as if he was intimidated by me. I held out my palm on him. And he stupidly gave his hand because he thought I wanted to hold his hand.

"Moron! Give me your card. You're the one buying right?" I shove his hand away.

He laughed so hard that he had to rest his head on his seat. "You're getting more interesting each day."

He took his wallet under his coat and gave me his card. But before that, he stared at me. "You know what, you're so lucky."

I raised an eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"You have a rich, cool, handsome, hot, and sexy boyfriend who's willing to give you his card."


Then he threw his head back laughing again. He is so enjoying this but there's nothing else on my mind right now but that lady named Solar we are going to meet. I can't help thinking just how gorgeous she is.

She must be prettier than me.

I hit Neuron lightly on his arm.

"I'm just kidding," he said to me, still unable to hold his laughter. Then he's mischievous grin turned into a loving one. "I'm the one who's lucky to have you."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I shot back sarcastically. He shrugged his shoulders and then pushed me out of the car.

What the f--k!

"Buy something comfortable, okay?"

I just rolled my eyes at him and shut the car door as hard as my strength allowed me. I heard him shout, "Hey! This is a very expensive car! Careful, will you?"

I just scowled and made my way inside the boutique. I bought the most fabulous looking dress, which is a sleeveless lace summer dress, and its length is down to my ankle. I also bought the most expensive-looking high heels, and a fabulous-looking round hat to complete my outfit. I'm overdressed, but who cares? And of course, I paid using Neuron's card. When I saw how many zeros it cost altogether I almost changed my mind and thought of not buying it. But I suddenly remembered that this many zero is just nothing to Neuron, so I bought it without feeling guilty.

When I was approaching the car, Neuron stepped out of the car, mouth gaping, while looking at me.

I turned around in front of him to show him my outfit. The lacy fabric flapped when I turned. "How is it?"

He seems to be at loss with words. "It's-- you look lovely." He walked near me and hugged me on my waist. "I'm a lucky man, indeed."

He planted a quick and soft kiss on my lips. "But I remember telling you to buy something comfortable. And this is far from it."

I pouted. "I want to wear this."

He nodded. "If you want to, then so be it. I'm just worried you might be uncomfortable when we get to Solar."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm the one who's gonna be uncomfortable, so why are you worrying like you're the one who's going to suffer?"

He chuckled again and pinched my nose. "Your mood swings are scary but oddly adorable too. Just what are you doing to me?"

He opened the car door for me like a gentleman. "If you may, ma'am."

I giggled. "Let's go, Sir."

After half an hour of driving, my butt started to ache and feel hot because of sitting for too long. I am about to complain to Neuron but we entered what seems like private property.

"We're here. This is a private airfield. Solar is here. I can't wait for you to meet her."

I wanted to tell him he's the only one excited for this rendezvous, and I am not, but I kept quiet.

So as expected, Solar is also a very rich person since she has a private airfield.

We both stepped out of the car. He held my hand as he led me the way. I started to feel insecure. I bet this Solar is very beautiful just like Neuron's description. And she's rich too. She'd be elegant too, I bet.

Very far from me.

I stopped walking which made Neuron also stop.

"Do I really have to meet her?" I rhetorically asked with irritation. "Did you even ask me if I want to meet this Solar?"

He brushed off my complaint by chuckling and circling his arm around me.

How could a guy be this insensitive?! I hate him!

"I promise you will love her."

My mood started to get really dark. I don't want to meet this Solar. I don't want to see her. And I am mad that Neuron is insisting on bringing me here.

A tall man, with a firm stance, and a strong and manly face approached us.

"Your High--" He stopped immediately. I saw Neuron give him a look to make him stop. "Sir, everything is ready."

He settled with 'sir' in the end.

And then far ahead, I could see Michael approaching us too. I started becoming uneasy. What if Michael recognized me? It's miraculous that Neuron isn't mentioning anything about what happened yesterday in the station. What if Michael suddenly realizes it was me who they were chasing yesterday?

When Michael was finally in front of us, I dropped my head down. I am so nervous right now.

"Sir, I will be assisting you," Michael reported to Neuron.

"No, I will go alone with my lady."

"Sir, I cannot allow that. It is my duty to--"

"It is your duty to obey me." Neuron cut him off. "Isn't that right?"

Michael wasn't able to respond. His duty indeed is to obey the prince. Neuron's words are his laws.

Michael came to stare at me and it was too late for me to drop my head down. But luckily, he didn't seem like he recognized me from yesterday's chase.

Do they really not know that it was me?

The four of us headed somewhere. And far ahead a jet plane came to sight. It's a very magnificent-looking jet plane. Of course, there will be aircraft in this airfield.

Neuron talked to that guy with that strong manly face, and then after that, he left. Michael is hesitant to leave, but he has no choice but to obey his master.

"So where is Solar?" I nastily mentioned.

"You're in front of her."

"What?" I roamed my eyes around but no one is around except for us and the jet plane.

"Stop joking, Neuron."

"I'm serious. She's Solar. She's gorgeous, isn't she?"

My mouth hung open as I was looking at the jet plane. He means that the jet plane is the gorgeous Solar? Is he kidding me?!

I stared down at what I am wearing and on the round hat that's sitting uncomfortably on my head.

Who did I dress up for?!

"Why did you name her Solar!" I was complaining instead of asking.

This is mortifying!

"Because she's solar-powered. That's why I named her Solar."

I gave him a glare but he just answered me by stealing a quick kiss on my lips. He held my hand and led me inside the jet.

Is this for real? Did I just get mad at a jet plane?

The interior of the plane is as luxurious as I expected it to be. It's a small plane. I think only four can ride this.

"We're riding this? For real?" I began to feel the excitement. The last time I rode a plane was too long ago, I was so young that I can't remember anymore how it feels like.

"This is yours?" I asked in amazement.

"Given to me by my father."

"Your father is surely rich. Gift-giving in your family is on another level."

"My father bought this with his own money. As a bribe to make me inherit the organization he is running."

"Why does he need to bribe you? Isn't running the organization the biggest gift?"

He smiled mischievously. "I don't want to run that organization. What would I get from it? Why would I spend my life serving members that don't even see what the head does for them? They only see the faults. I sometimes wonder how my father was able to bear it. Instead of being honored, they slander him with groundless and untrue accusations."

He looked at me. "I wonder if it'll be better to give that position to someone who has wanted to run that organization for a very long time now."

I don't know if I understood what he said. I have an assumption that the organization he is speaking about is the government his father is running. But other than that, I can't understand a thing.

Why does he make it sound like Mirando is the victim of everything?

"So how's the feeling, Rathna?"

I gazed at him in confusion. "Feeling?"

"The feeling of being jealous over a gorgeous jet plane. How was it?"

My eyes widened. He knew I was jealous? Did he do this on purpose?

I felt my fury slowly building up and I glared at him. "Do you wanna die, asshole?"

And what's more infuriating is, he's enjoying it.