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The club is called 'Parliament of Owls'. So it's basically saying those who will enter the club are owls, and together, they are a parliament. Nice.. I do love, in a sarcastic manner, the humor of the owner.

"We're here! We're here!" Loor chirpped.

It's obvious that Gulu and Loor are the ones most excited about this.

"There will be hot guys everywhere," Geraldine whispered to me naughtily.

For a second I got excited but then I remembered Neuron. I took my phone to text him the address and the name of the club but changed my mind. I could test him and confirm if he really planted a tapping device on my phone.

If he finds me, then that means he did tap me.

I dropped my phone back in my jean's pocket.

Geraldine looked at me from head to toe. And then she hit my arm slightly. "That's why I told you to dress up! You're wasting your face and figure by wearing so-unsexy clothes. I hate you."