Chapter 22: Revisions

The Chief is driving me back to Hermit Homes and I've stayed silent in the car and haven't said anything. The Chief was considerate enough to also stay quiet for my sake.

I've always felt miserable, but not as miserable as this. The misery I am feeling right now is far worse than I had it twenty years ago when my parents died. Back then, I had an innocent misery because as a kid, I was only capable of feeling that level of misery. I was miserable back then, I was vengeful, but there's still a sense of innocence in those feelings.

But now, it's different. I'm a full-grown woman. And what's making it worse is how ashamed I am feeling by realizing I've completely forgotten my purpose and I even started to feel happy with Neuron.

I promised myself I will never have the right to happiness unless I avenge my parents. Before that, I shouldn't be happy. I forgot that resolve. I've lost that resolve, and the Chief helped me find that resolve again.

How could I laugh, giggle, smile, even knowing that my parents were murdered unjustly? How could I?

"You are like a daughter to me, Thrana. I'm the one who gave birth to a new you and approved to name you Rathna. And it is the father's role to make sure his daughter stays on her path."

I did not respond but his words punctured me so deeply in the flesh.

"We laid everything one by one, starting from the Law of Kinglessness, one by one very slowly up to this point. We cannot falter now that we're very close to our final step."

The Law of Kinglessness is the law that the Chief made during the enthronement of Mirando 30 years ago. I wasn't even born at that time. Although strongly opposed by Mirando, it was signed to become law from petitions of thousands of people which left Mirando no choice.

In the state of kinglessness, which basically just means, a period where Maharlica has no king, which could only happen when the king dies without enthroning his heir, the people will have the freedom to choose their own king even if not from the royal family or choose to abolish the monarchical government.

The Chief made this law because he plans to kill Mirando before he could abdicate the throne to his heir. The purpose of this law was so transparent to Mirando and it didn't make sense at all. But the Chief managed to win the people's hearts and made them submit thousands and thousands of petitions.

Mirando is smart enough to foresee what the Chief is planning in the future. And that's why he shrouded himself with protection from the palace and never went out. And now he decided to crown Neuron at his kingship anniversary even if he's able enough to still reign.

Maybe because of the fright of assassination, Mirando never really goes out of the palace and that is why it was hard for us to hunt him down. And during his anniversary, he only gathers the army, orders them to do some charity works (probably to fragrant his name and color his image to the people) as a way to celebrate his kingship, with only his secretary to film everything on camera to share it to the public after.

Not even officials are invited to the event. He never shows up in public events, and that's why it angered the Maharlicans. They often call him the 'invisible king' because we only see him on the news.

Mirando is so strict about what, when, and how he will show himself to his subjects and he is only heard by the people when needed. The people also called him 'unaffectionate king' because unlike other leaders who congratulate his members for a job well done, or a leader who shows concern, he never does anything that shows care or love for his subjects.

Even during calamities like super typhoons, floods, fire accidents, he never consoles the people personally, instead, he would make his secretary or one of the princesses read a furnished and polished letter of consolation that probably he did not even write personally, for the people.

When the Chief discovered that Mirando was planning to have a more special celebration for his 30th anniversary and that he would actually go out from the palace, the Chief decided that it's finally the time for us to make our final move. And of course, we found out why he decided to make it special. It's for the enthronement of his son. The public has no idea yet that there will be an enthronement of a new king.

This is another thing that the Maharlicans hate about the king. We all know he has the absolute right over everything but he should at least be transparent about things that concern the Maharlicans. Surprising the public with a new king is not an ideal thing to do.

"There's a semi-annual dinner for the royal family. This rarely happens and fortunately, one of those two dinners will be happening this Saturday."

When I heard what the Chief said, I immediately turned my head to face him.

"Use this as a chance to get inside the palace. I do not have much interest in how you do it with the prince, or however you get closer to him, what matters to me is the result."

"Yes, Chief. This Saturday, I will get inside the palace," I claimed with determination.

The Chief dropped me in front of the very huge gate of Hermit Homes. I placed my right fist on my chest to salute him. He saluted back to me before driving away.

As I was standing in front of the gate, silence enveloped me. I could hear the sound of cicadas, the sound of leaves from the trees, and the wind is much colder than any of the nights I spent here.

I walked near the card scanner to scan my resident card. When the gate opened, I tiredly got inside. I heard Emelito from the guardhouse greeting me, and I just waved at him. He asked me if I wanted a golf cart and I politely declined.

It's nighttime, and the lights from each lamp post on the side of the roads gave the surrounding a more reflective atmosphere which made me get lost in my thoughts. So much has happened today.

I was mistaken for believing I deserve to be happy. This is why feeling happiness is much scarier to me. Because there will always be a bargain of tears waiting at the end. It has always been that way for me. Whenever I get a taste of happiness I am pulled back to my reality.

I touched the ring on my finger. And I just realized why I am feeling this torn on what to do.

It's because of Neuron.

If he's not in the picture, I won't have a hard time doing my mission. But because he is in the middle of everything, it is getting more difficult each day.

No, scratch that. It's not Neuron. It's not because of him. It's me. It's my greed for both wanting to have Neuron and achieving Soma's vision.

When I arrived inside my apartment I dropped my body on my bed. Then I sat up and opened the bottom drawer of my bedside table. I took the piece of paper that's in there and read what's written on it.

And although exhausted, I let out a tired small laugh. Now that I'm reading this, I could see why Geraldine laughed at this. Like what she said, it's lame.

Step 1, befriend the enemy

Step 2, get close to him

Step 3, earn his trust

Step 4, make the enemy bring me to the palace

Step 5, install the bug

Step 6, get out alive

Step 7, betray the enemy

Step 8, kill His Majesty

I'm still stuck at Step 4. But if I do make it to step 4, the remaining ones will be easier. I stared at the writings for more than 10 seconds. Then I took a pen.

I crashed all the word 'enemy' and replaced it with the word 'prince'. I am about to crash step 7 but I stopped myself. Betraying him is inevitable. All these steps are acts of betrayal to him.

I was about to put it back in the drawer but then I had a sudden change of thought. Next to step 8, I added another step.

Step 9, run away from/with the prince

I'm not expecting Neuron to choose me over his family and over the throne. But just in case. Just in case. The most probable is running away FROM him. But if I could, if I could, I would run away WITH him if he wants to.

The next day, unexpected visitors crashed inside my apartment. My mouth dropped when I opened my apartment door and five people were crowding at the doorway.

"What you guys doing here?" I asked out of confusion but at the same time excitement.

Geraldine glared at me. "Traitor! Traitor! So that's why you left me alone in that shabby room! It's because your new home is like this!"

Loor and Gulu just barged inside and comfortably sat on the couch as if they owned it. Gulu even laid on the long couch with his hands under his head.

Isagani just shrugged his shoulders at me and also went inside.

The captain just gave me a glance and then said, "If you'll excuse me." And he just walked past me and also sat on the couch. I shook my head in disbelief at these men.

And Geraldine hugged me so tightly. "I missed you, traitor!"

A warm sensation is pooling in my chest and stomach. "I missed you too, brat."

She giddily went inside and roamed her eyes around the room. "I'm so jealous. The Chief really favors you more than any of us," Geraldine complained, although with no sincerity but I still felt that I had to explain.

"It's not like that. It's for the mission."

"Still," she insisted.

I stared at them. "But how is this possible? Why are you all here? Are you here for a team mission?"

"Nope," Loor answered and snatched the remote control from the coffee table and turned on the television.

Wow! The audacity…

"For individual missions?" I added.

"No." It's Gulu who answered this time. Then he tried to snatch the remote from Loor but Loor didn't let him and they ended up fighting over the remote.

"Ignorant frogs," Geraldine commented. But contrary to her words, she joined the tug of war for the remote. "Give me that! Hey! Ladies first!" She scolded Loor and Gulu when they did not give her the remote.

I shook my head in disbelief.

I did not pay any more attention to the chaotic assholes and inconsistent brat. "So, why are you here? Are you even allowed outside the camp without reason?"

"We're actually here on a team mission," the captain answered.

Geraldine, Gulu, Loor, and Isagani all freeze at where they are and look at the captain with disbelief and if I'm not wrong, a bit of resentment.

The tug of war for the remote happening between Loor, Gulu, and Geraldine also halted.

"What? You lied to us? You said we're here for--"

"Mission to visit our teammate," the captain cut off Geraldine. "And to enjoy a day in the capital. That's the mission I received from the Chief, declared to me by the Commander."

We were all unable to speak for a moment. Like what we heard is just something we could not understand. But when we understood the mission, we all screamed in joy. Geraldine and I held our hands together and jumped around merrily. Even the captain, who rarely smiles, I saw him laugh.

"Each team is taking turns on having a day off," the Captain informed.

But again, with every happiness we get, there's a bargain of pain in the end. Perhaps, the Chief gave them this one day to enjoy because after our final mission we might not be able to see the light of the day again. Frankly, success or failure, we could die on the mission.

And although I could see through the Chief's intention, I chose to pretend not to see it. And I'm sure my teammates could also see what the Chief's intention is. And they also pretended not to notice.

We could all pretend. Just for a day. We could be carefree and carelessly happy.

"You know what guys, we're not sleeping tonight!" Geraldine chanted in monotone.

"Who said we're sleeping?" Gulu seconded.

"Let's make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," Loor snorted.

And we all laughed.

Now that I think of it, it's them who I was with during dangerous situations, it's them during those rare happy occasions, it's still them during ordinary days. It has always been them. And if that's what it means to be a family, then maybe, this team has been the family I've always had but never realized until now that I'm about to lose them.

"Show me your bedroom! Faster!" Geraldine squeaked.

We left the guys on the couch and I led her to the bedroom. As soon as she entered my bedroom her eyes twinkled and she immediately jumped on the bed. "Oh my gosh! It's so soft! Omg!"

She roamed her eyes around and I could see a bit of envy in her eyes but she erased it immediately. She stared at the two vertically rectangular windows I have in the room.

She smiled sentimentally.

"You have windows too." Then she looked up. "And a simple but pretty chandelier too."

The chandelier is composed of ten torch-like lights held together in the center to form a sphere.

She looks so happy. Then she suddenly called the others. "Guys! Over here! You've gotta see this!"

Then the four men also came to the bedroom. They all jumped on the bed except for the captain who just shook his head like he's looking at four kids playing on the bed.

They're adorable. But annoying at the same time.

"Excuse us," Isagani suddenly said to me. "We're going to raid your fridge."

This isn't Isagani's first time in my apartment, but he's still as excited as the others.

I followed the five of them to the kitchen. When Isagani opened the fridge, I heard all of them gasp when they saw that the fridge was full of stuff that we normally could not have inside the camp.

"You have canned beers!" Loor exclaimed with amazement. It's just a can of beer and it amazes him so much.

In the camp, we could only drink traditional homemade coconut wine.

"Oh my gosh! Spams! You have a lot of spam!" Geraldine exclaimed too.

I don't know if I should laugh at how they marvel at these trivial things, or if I should be sad about it.

The captain took a can of beer and the others all stared at him in surprise. They watched him open the can and drank from it.

"Captain, are we allowed to drink too?" Gulu beseeched with hope.

The captain stared at him. "From now on, until tomorrow, nothing is prohibited anymore." As soon as the captain said that it became chaotic. They all fought to own the cans of beer.

I only have 7 remaining cans of beer. If I knew they would be coming I should've bought more from the allowance given to me by the Chief. I've already spent everything on grocery shopping.

"I just love everything here," Geraldine expressed honestly. "The smell of air freshener, your checkered sofa, the television, your fridge, your tiny but shiny bathroom, your kitchen. It's everything I've ever wanted."

I clenched my fist.

It's sad that she said that. It's sad that what she wanted is so simple yet unreachable. And it's sad that I'm experiencing this luxury right now, but she's staying in that same old, tiny, and shabby room.

Before I knew it, the 7 cans of beer were sipped away. And the evening is still young for us to stop having fun. To solve this problem, there's only one person in my mind.

But first, I have to ask them for permission. Because in the worst-case scenario, this apartment may bathe in Neuron's blood if he comes unannounced.

Isagani was sitting beside me and he was raising the can upside down on his mouth to save every drop of beer. When he brought his hand down, our arms brushed each other and it electrified me so I had to subtly move an inch away.

But what I thought was subtle, was obvious to him.

He looked at me and narrowed his eyes on me playfully. Then he held my arm and dragged me closer to him. "You stay there. Don't move. Not even an inch."

My throat suddenly became parched. Heart beating hard. And chills ran down my spine.

But then I noticed the brat staring at me with twinkling and smiling eyes to tease me about Isagani. She's always been that type of friend that teases you all the time with every little bit of interaction with your crush.

But let me clarify, I don't have feelings for Isagani anymore. I have already forgotten my one-sided crush on him. But the fact that he's my first love, remains a fact. And if I have any residual interest in him, that... I do not know. But he definitely has the ability to still flutter my heart. I guess that's what first loves do to you.

"Do any of you have money to buy alcohol?" I asked to avoid Geraldine's teasing eyes.

They all looked at me shaking their heads.

"And even if we have, it won't be enough. You know how expensive sin products are in this kingdom," Isagani replied.

Sin products are those products for pleasure like alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. They're heavily taxed and extremely expensive.

"Then, can I call the prince?"

They all became silent.

"You know what, why not?" Geraldine broke the awkward silence they gave me. "If we're here to enjoy, might as well forget about everything else, be worry-free, and put aside our resentment for a while. From now until tomorrow, we're not people from Soma, we're not people trying to commit treason, we're not people trying to bring a change to this kingdom. We're just.." Geraldine struggled at finding the right words. "We're just people. Normal people. Can't we do that?"

Everyone became silent. No one wanted to let their opinions come to the surface. Then the captain said, "Let's do that. Let's be normal."

After hearing the captain Geraldine had a child-like smile on her face.

Isagani, on the other hand, has this questionable look on his face. He's staring at me like he wants to say something.

I stood up and went a bit far from them to call the prince.

"Hello, beautiful lady. What's up? How nice of you to finally call me first," Neuron said like he's actually surprised I called.

"Sir, I'm just a commoner. But can I dare to ask you for a favor?"

He became silent.

"Nevermind if you don't want to--"

"No," he immediately responded to cut me off. "It's not like that. I just can't believe you're actually asking me for a favor. I love that. Anything for you, my lady," he playfully remarked.

"Do you have time?"

"Hmm," he sounded like he's thinking. "I can make time for you if that's what you mean."

So he's busy.

"Nevermind if you're busy--"

"No, no! I have time. I have time." He repeatedly said to make it sound convincing.

"Can you come to me?"

"To you? Who else would I go to if not to you? I have nowhere else to go, ma'am. I told you, my eyes are only looking at you."

I rolled my eyes. "I mean to my apartment, Your Highness."

"On my way ma'am."

"Already?" I shouted in surprise.

"That's what you do to me."

I rolled my eyes for the second time. He's so cheesy. "Oh, don't forget to buy canned beers. Lots of them," I reminded.

"What?!" came his exasperated response. "By lots of it, you mean you wanna get drunk with me?"

"Hmm, you could say that."

He chuckled. "Well, if you want to have a steamy night, then I'm on it."

"You jerk, shut up!"

And he just laughed. He's so… green.