[Bonus chapter]Chapter 40: The Battalion

No way! No way! Are we actually going to meet the Battalion?!

I followed Neuron's footsteps from behind. He walked straight inside the building and then in the middle of walking he stopped and then looked back at me.

"Are you going to continue walking behind me?"

I immediately shook my head and hop-skipped to his side. I gave him a sheepish smile but he ignored me and continued walking.

Urgh! Is he really going to continue sulking?! Like this?

I hastened my pace to catch up with his long strides. I was about to complain that he's walking too fast but we already arrived at the elevator.

I gave him a deadly glare and he just raised his eyebrows at me. He really won't back down.

My ghad! Can I punch him? Can I do that please?

I'm losing my patience.

He pushed the elevator button, and it took a long time to open because a few people were riding it. When the people came out, Neuron and I entered the elevator.