Chapter 54: The Chase

"Jesus Christ!" Neuron frantically cried out from the front seat. "Rathna, wear your seatbelt first!"

I stepped on the brake and laughed. I got too excited. "Your Highness, just chill okay?"

He's overreacting again.

I buckled up then off we go!

If I could put each memory I make with Neuron in an album, every single memory would be labeled as 'the most memorable'. This night drive we're having is not an exemption.

We're just singing in the car, singing along to songs on the radio, with the windows down. Then I'd laugh at his silly dad jokes. At that particular moment, I thought, it's all I could ask for. It was perfect.

"Why should you never brush your teeth with your left hand?"

I confidently replied. "Because I'm right handed."

"No. Don't use your hands. A toothbrush works better."

A momentary silence passed by.