Chapter 66: Beach

As we approached the beach, I couldn't be more excited. The turquoise water is glistening due to the reflection of the sun. It is inviting me to just jump into the water and swim for as long as I want.

He brought a camera with him. And he took pictures of the beach.

"You look like it's your first time on a beach," Neuron muttered. Then click.

"Because it is," I told him. I tried to snatch the camera from him. "Why would you steal a picture of me? That's not fair!"

Instead of listening, he brought the camera back to his face to take a picture of me again. "Hey baby, here, smile!"

"F--k you," I cursed breathlessly. I just can't deal with the 'baby' thing.

He laughed and stole a quick kiss from me.

Sneaky naughty prince!

Before we reached the sand, I took off my slippers. Then I stepped on the sand barefoot.

My feet burrowing in the sand is such a wonderful experience for me.