Chapter 86: Six Years Gone

[Six years gone…]

The outskirts of Regineoux City is the same this morning.

I like that the serene town of Paler is part of a city, but also feel like it's not. Maybe that's the reason for the tranquility that can be felt here. The people here are so kind.

If they didn't let us in six years ago, I don't know what turn my life would've taken.

"Mrs. Perti!" I called from the outside and decided to get inside her fenced house. "I got your dried squid from Orlando!"

"Thanks, Rathna!" she yelled from inside.

I sped my pace on the pebbled pathway towards her house. She smiled at me.

"Did you just come home from the market?"

I handed her two packs of dried squid. "Yep. And I gotta hurry before my masters wake up."

She chuckled. "Thanks again for this, lady."