Chapter 2: Forming Basketball Team

Mission Three, Create a basketball club. -Reward: A Random Skill.

Mission Four, Gather 5 or more members for the Basketball Club. -Reward: Sports Shop and 10 million Yen

"More work huh?" Tanaka thought, he really hated working so much but since it has a reward and it was good, he didnt really mind but he didnt really like having so much work.

Anyway, he decided to do the third mission first since it was fairly simple, he just needed to ask the permission from the student council and look for a teacher that could supervise them.

It was part of the rule and Tanaka needed to follow it, there are also some requirements for the club to finally form and there was also the other which they could be fully supported by the school.

Ousai was former all girls private school, and it may not be a sport school but the school fully supports sports that could bring prestige to the school.

Tanaka sighed and decided to go to the student council first, it was still lunch so there are no classes yet.

Tanaka made his way towards the 4th floor of the 3rd year building and found the room of the student council.

*Knock *Knock!

Tanaka knocked on the door, "Come in" A female voice resounded from the other side.

Tanaka opened the door and entered inside "Excuse me, The name is Ryuuji Tanaka and I would like to ask permission to form the boys basketball club" Tanaka said then carefully observed the members of thr Student Council, there was only 4 of them, 3 females and 1 male.

He noticed the guy was a familiar friend, his name was Takatoshi Tsuda, Tanaka waved at him and Tsuda waved back, from Tanaka's memories, Tsuda was a close friend since he was young since Tsuda lives near the orphanage, that made them childhood friends.

"Oh? you know him Tsuda?" The president asked.

"Yes Kaichou, we are childhood friends" Tsuda replied.

"Umu, My name is Amakusa Shino, I'm the the president of the student council, its nice to meet you" Shino said with slightly loud voice, she had slight long black hair and was also beautiful but she had a tomboyish vibe on her.

"Nice to meet you Kaichou" Tanaka nodded at her.

"Ara, ara, Shino dont be too loud, nice to meet you, my name is Shichijo Aria" a girl with orange hair and big boobs and big boobs, she also looked beautiful, she had this innocent noble aura on her.

Then the last is, Tanaka turned his head and saw the other one took a chair and placed it in front of him, she climbed the chair and was now eye to eye level with Tanaka, "Hagimura Suzu, remember that" she said.

She is very small but she was aggressive?, she have pony tail hair and was very small, did I say that again? anyway she is very sma-*Pack!

Tanaka caught the flying shoes towards his face, he then looked at Suzu in front of him, "You are thinking something insulting about me" She said.

'Wow, her intuition is scary' Tanaka thought.

"Anyway, Tanaka-kun? what was your purpose again?" Shino asked.

"Tanaka is fine Kaichou, and like I said earlier, I want to create a boys basketball club" Tanaka said.

"Umu, basketball huh? its a good sport, it will help boys with their accuracy and stamina, dont you think so Tsuda?" Shino asked.

"And why are you only listing accuracy and stamina?" Tsuda asked.

"Of course, its important when they do that right?" Shino said.

"You forgot something Shino, basketball players are also good with their hands" Aria butted in.

"Huh?" Tanaka was speechless.

"What for!?" Tsuda yelled.


-Problems occured please wait a bit-


"Here is the form you needed to fill, you also need a total of 5 members before the basketball club could be fully acknowledge by us" Shino said.

"Yes, Kaichou" Tanaka took the form and started filling it up, but he could not fill it all up yet since he needed to list all of the members too and also what is the goal of the club.

After saying goodbyes with the Student Council members, he left and started to look for the potential members of the Basketball team.

But before he do that, he needed a good informant, Tanaka made his way towards class 1-A where all of the top students in the school was placed, in this class the male and female ratio was 2:30 and yes, only two males was able to enter this class.

One was Tanaka and the other is... Tanaka opened the door of the classroom and immediately the eyes of all girls in the classroom looked at him.

Tanaka would have loved making his harem here but most females in this school were lesbians so he ignored them all, he went towards the back and stood in front of a man with yellow spiky hair sleeping on his desk.

"Hey, Hiruma, I need some help" Tanaka called out.

Hiruma looked up and Tanaka saw the face of what could be said a handsome devil? well, he was not as handsome as Tanaka though but anyway.

This man name is Hiruma Yoichi, he was a cunning and intelligent devil who always carries a book around him and because of that book that Tanaka needed his help.

"What do you need Tanaka?" Hiruma asked.

"I'm looking for good members for the basketball club" Tanaka said.

"You actually made one? I thought you were joking, but anyway, I'm also getting bored so I will help you" Hiruma saif and stood up.

"There are not many males in this school since it just became co-ed and I could only find about 8 suitable members for your team" Hiruma said.

"That is enough for me to form the basketball club" Tanaka said.

"Then lets go to class 1-B first, there's 2 people you might like" Hiruma said.

Tanaka then followed after him, they first went towards the Class 1-B.

Hiruma then took out a book with the word written on the cover Devil's Handbook, he then flipped it a few times and found something, "For the first one is Takenori Akagi, that tall and muscle guy over there" Hiruma pointed, "He is pretty strong and he also liked playing basketball, it will be easy to invite him" Hiruma said.

"The other is Kurumatani Sora, this guy loves basketball and his mother was a former professional national player" Hiruma said.

"You know, its creepy that you even know the parents background" Tanaka commented.

"Kekeke, everything could be used" Hiruma laughed.

"Okay, I will try talking to them now" Tanaka said then entered the classroom despite not knowing anyone there, everyone looked at him, well mostly all girls looked at him.

They thought he would cause trouble but Tanaka didnt mind what they think, he first went infront of Takenori Akagi, "Akagi, my name is Ryuuji Tanaka, and I'm going to form a basketball team, I invite you to join me" Tanaka said.

Akagi looked at him then after thinking for a while, he nodded in agreement.

"I-i would also like to join!" a boy said.

Tanaka turned around and saw it was Sora, "Then, you guys are accepted, lets meet up in front of Student Council tomorrow lunch" Tanaka said then left.

"Ain't that easy, you didnt even need to threat them" Hiruma commented.

"Much better if its easy, I dont like extra work" Tanaka replied.

Their next target was a 2nd year, the only 2nd year male on school, his name was Asahi Azumane, he looked like a brute but Hiruma said that his jumping ability and speed is very good so Tanaka invited him.

He refused at first but with Hiruma by his side it was practically impossible to do anything unless you fight Hiruma back.

As for the others, they only got two, so in total, Basketball Club now had 6 members, as for the other two who refused to join, Tanaka stopped Hiruma from forcing them.

Anyway, the members are.

Ryuuji Tanaka

Kenma Kozume

Kurumatani Sora

Asahi Uzumane

Tetsuro Kuro

Takenori Akagi

Now with the enough members formed, they could now finally form the Boys Basketball Club.

"But before that, I am missing someone" Tanaka said.

"Who is it?" Hiruma asked.

"You" Tanaka pointed at him.

"Me?" Hiruma pointed at himself.

"Yes, I need a devil to my team because god wont help us" Tanaka said.

"Kekeke, you just signed a pact with a devil" Hiruma said and shook hands with Tanaka.

As for the teacher that will supervise them, Tanaka found a fitting teacher, she wasn't knowledgeable about basketball but Tanaka only needed someone who will supervise them and also could take them to play practice matches and tournaments, her name is Ono Mihano and she was a stunning beauty but she is very strict and hard working, Tanaka had a good impression of her when he first met her.

Just what Tanaka loved, and so with that, the next day, everyone met up in front of the Student Council.


Finally out!

This is a basketball fanfic but it mostly revolves around KnB plot and that means, the character from other anime that I added are just the players I have chosen, dont expect for slamdunk teams to appear in the story.

Also story pacing will be a little slow.

Tip me: PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


Kekeke! Don't you know? Devils don't ask gods for favours! -Hiruma Yoichi