Chapter 4: Rewards

Through the whole 15 points, Tanaka didn't try to score once and only passed to his teammates.

The score was now 15-8, yes, Tanaka allowed the others to score, he was not there to wreck them nor show off, he was there to assess their skills.

As for the assessment, Tanaka rated their skills below average, after playing for a while, their team work improved but skills could not be improved overnight unless they are reincarnate person or have a system or something.

And since Tanaka finished assessing his teammates, "Its time to take it serious for the bet" tanaka thought, Asahi got 8 points while Kenma got 7 though most of it were lucky shots since his shooting form was a wreck.

It looked like he was only throwing the ball, but hey it was good, he had good luck which is also part of the game.

Anyway, there was 6 points left for them to win and this was enough for Tanaka to show his superiority to this bunch of toddlers.

The ball was in their possession since Tatsuo just got a score with a layup giving them a point.

Tanaka held the ball and winked towards his teammates, they somewhat understood it and they went to the corners, letting Tanaka have an Iso situation.

(Iso is short for isolation. It's a situation where the offensive players stay clear so that the teammate with the ball can go 1 on 1 against a defender.)

Tanaka's defender was Akagi who was surprised, Akagi knew Tanaka was very talented since he got pass by him many times despite Akagi trying his best, this time he wont let Tanaka get past by him.

"Your right leg is getting weak" Tanaka suddenly said which confused Akagi but he saw Tanaka making a move so he ignores it.

Tanaka dribbled the ball and his leg stepped forward on Akagi's right then he immediately pulled back.

Akagi who was ready to intercept Tanaka wanted to follow Tanaka but then his right leg slipped on the floor, his body lost its balance and he fell to the floor.


Tanaka didnt waste this chance and immediately charged towards the ring, Akagi's two teammates, Sora and Tatsuo immediately rushed towards the middle and met Tanaka.

Tanaka chuckled and then he dribbled the ball between Sora's leg which caught him off guard.


Tanaka got passed by him and caught the ball, he then saw Tatsuo in front of him, guarding the ring, even though Tanaka was tall, Tatsuo was slightly taller and his wingspan was longer.

Tatsuo stared at Tanaka and then he saw Tanaka suddenly lowered seemingly going to jump, he jumped wanting to block him.

But he saw Tanaka faked him and delayed his jump.


As Tatsuo fell from the skies, Tanaka flew and in a good form, he made an easily lay up.

"What the hell, that was so good!" Sora exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

"Just a simple move" Tanaka shrugged it off and continued the game.

As Sora held the ball and he also wanted to score like Tanaka, he dribbled and wanted to get past by but Tanaka smacked the balls away from his hand and stole it.

Tanaka immediately went over the 3 point line and shrugged, he then grabbed the ball with his two hands and made a beautiful arc shot.


The ball went through, everyone had their mouth wide open, Tanaka was almost on the middle but he still made the shot.

In the end, the others weren't able to score as Tanaka showed off his basketball skills, and the final score was 21-8 and Tanaka was the captain of the team.

"Tanaka-san, that was a great game, I lost this time! but I wont lose next time" Sora proclaimed.

"Well, that is great dream you have there" Tanaka said with a smile.

"Dream?" Sora asked but the others also arrived, so he wasn't able to ask what Tanaka meant, they were still 12 year old so they were slightly dumb.

"Tanaka is the captain of the team, any objections?" Hiruma asked.

"None!" All of them replied.

"Good, also Ono sensei came earlier and said, preliminaries will start 4 months later which means we dont have that much to train, what do you think captain?" Hiruma asked.

"4 months is enough, I can train these guys, dont worry, I will make sure if you guys die I will bury you properly" Tanaka said.

"Why are you jumping to death already?!" Sora yelled.

"Its just a joke, but I hope everyone here will train, I created this team not for fun but to become champions, since we are a new team and practically unheard of, many will look down on us and may want to see us fall, but im telling you, as long as you train and trust your teammate, they will never see us fall" Tanaka said as his eyes suddenly looked like it was glowing.

"Haha, I like that slogan, they will never see us fall but lets change that a little bit" Tatsuo spoke.

"What's better?" Tanaka asked then put his hand forward.

"We will never fall" Tatsuo replied, then extended his hand put it on top of Tanaka's hand.

"Yeah, This 3 years that we will be together, We will never fall" Akagi said and also extended his hand forward.

"Mhm" Kenma also nodded and extended his hand forward.

"I'm a second year so I can only be with you guys for two years but as long as we are together, we will never fall" Asahi said and extended his hand.

"Keke, interesting bunch, devils never kneel, we will die on our feet than to live on our feet, we shall never fall" Hiruma extended his hand.

They all looked at wach other then Sora asked, "By the way, what is the name of our team?"

Everyone fell silent, the team had no name yet, no uniform, they actually lacked many things, since it was still the first day of the team.

"But since we were already here, lets think of a name" Tanaka said.

Sora raised his hand "Then how about blazing teens?" he said.

"Rejected" All of them responded at the same time.

"Shouldn't be the name of our team is the school name?" Asahi asked.

All of them thought and yes, it was usually the school name, "Well, that's done then, Ousai... All girls Academy was the full name of the school if I remember correctly" Kenma said.

Everyone had dark faces, it doesnt sound pleasing at all.

"Lets just remove the All girls in the name and just put Ousai Academy" Tatsuo said.

"That is good, lets go with Ousai Academy then, as for our uniform, lets talk about that tomorrow, everyone dismiss!" Tanaka announced.

"Ou!" Everyone replied and immediately went back to their clubroom and went home for the day.

Tanaka didn't go home immediately, instead, he took a shower.

As the water ran down on his body, Tanaka felt refreshed but that is not what was his focus right now.

"System" Tanaka called out.


Then a floating panel appeared in front of him, Tanaka didnt check it earlier since he was with his teammates but now he is alone.

His system interface was very normal, other than his personal information, quests and assets there was nothing else.

There was no attributes nor system shop, anyway, All of Tanaka's missions were already finished except for the training and he have new pending missions and he only needed to accept them, he could refuse the missions if he wanted to.

"Receive all rewards" Tanaka said.


-You have received 4,000 Yen(2 Training Sessions)

-You have received a Villa

-You have received Cooking Skill(Master Rank)

-You have received Sports Shop

-You have received 10 million Yen

As Tanaka received all of the rewards, tons of information flooded his mind, it was where the villa and Sports was located along with the legal documents, it was fairly close to Ousai Academy.

Then the Cooking Skill also entered his mind but it felt more like he was watching a super realistic movie that lasts for 10 years and his body was the one moving in that movie.

It took a few seconds before everything stopped, Tanaka closed his eyes and opened it a few moments later, he took a deep breath.

"Well, that was intense" He murmured but anyway, he looked at his assets and he now have 14 million, its not that much but for a middle school student and an orphan at that, it was already a good thing.

As for the next missions, Tanaka decided to do it tomorrow.

"I'll move to the villa tomorrow" Tanaka murmured and went to the orphanage, he doesnt have any special memories on the Orphanage but instead bad memories, he was like an outcast there.

The matron is also lazy, and also beat up some kids for fun, Tanaka wanted to teach the matron a lesson before he leave that place.

Anyway, after sleeping there for day, he woke up early the next day and packed his items, well there was not much of it and Tanaka could pack it up on a briefcase.

After that, he went to the matron office and a while later, screams and banging was heard, a while later, Tanaka left the room like nothing happened.

As for the kids on the orphanage, its all male and no goodie boy, all were rotten by the matron.

Tanaka left and hailed a cab and went to his villa.


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"When you asked about our team, I said I thought we're good. But that's not because I'm on it. It's because we're together." -Kenma Kozume