Chapter 6: Coach

It was about a few minutes walk to reach the apartment where Aisaka was staying, even though he had a villa, he still accepted her offer.

He cant explain how an orphan have a villa right? and also, it was not his first time sleeping over in her apartment.

Her apartment was located at the 3rd floor and the door was automatic, Aisaka only needed to swipe her ID and the door opened.

As Tanaka entered inside, what welcomed him was tons of garbage lying close to the door.

"Your bad hygiene still havent changed huh?" Tanaka said as he looked at the trashes.

"But you are here now so clean it up, you will become my servant!" She proudly said.

"In your face, help me take these trash out" Tanaka said.

"Okay" Aisaka pouted but still helped in taking out the trashes, they were childhood friends so they know very much about each other, even more than siblings.

There are tons of trashes and they also have to clean the whole apartment and it was already night time when they finished cleaning the house.

"Fuu, finally done" Tanaka stretched his back from pain, he had already told his butler earlier that he will not be able to go home but he will still drop by sometimes.

"Here, water" Aisaka came holding a bottle of water.

"A bottle of water huh? hey rich lady, want to become my sugar mommy?" Tanaka said as he took the water bottle of water.

"Shut up and drink it, what do we eat for dinner? you want pizza?" Aisaka asked.

"No, lets go to the grocery and buy ingredients, we will cook" Tanaka said with a stern tone.

"Okay, I'm going to change clothes, dont peek alright!? I will beat you up if you do!" Aisaka warned.

"Its not like there is something to see" Tanaka said with a shrug.


He then tilted his head dodging the slippers going towards his face.

"Hmph!" Aisaka snorted and went to the bathroom.

Tanaka then went towards his room also going to change his clothes, his clothes was already dirty and sweaty, thankfully, he had some spare clothes that he left in Aisaka's apartment when he stayed.

A few minutes later, he came from his room wearing new clean clothes, it was a white oversized t shirt, and black pants.

Aisaka also finished changing her clothes, she was also wearing an oversized white t shirt with black pants, they looked like pair of father and daughter wearing the same clothes.

"Let's go" Tanaka said with a smile, Aisaka nodded and they both went to a grocery store.

They both tons of ingredients that was enough for them for a week, Tanaka had to split up the bill with Aisaka since he cant really show he was very rich.

'It was really hard to hide when you are awesome' he thought.

But Aisaka's family was very rich and she didnt lack money, so she didnt mind paying for everything but Tanaka as a man had a pride!

So he insisted giving her some of his talk no jutsu in which he didnt know where the word came from.

After that, Tanaka carried all the heavy groceries while Aisaka carried the light ones back to the apartment.

Tanaka finally could use his cooking skill that he got from the system, their dinner was just a simple curry.

Tanaka doesnt know but when Aisaka ate his dish, she acted like she was in a bliss, Tanaka also tasted it and felt it was alright, he have high expectations.

After they finished eating, Aisaka volunteered to wash the dishes and Tanaka went ahead and sat in the sofa and watched the T.V, they have to keep things in balance.

After Aisaka finished washing the dishes, she sat beside Tanaka and also watched the T.V.

They were watching cartoons, Tanaka didnt watch any basketball or anything, he have to divide his hobbies after all.

He somehow like watching anime, cartoons and read manga, he does all of those things when relaxing, and if he was playing basketball, then he only focuses on basketball.

While watching T.V. Aisaka somehow got tired and lay her head on his lap, Tanaka didnt mind and patted her.

Aisaka enjoyed it.

10 PM and it was time to sleep, Tanaka carried Aisaka and threw her to her bed, then he went to his bedroom to sleep.

Early the next morning, Tanaka was woken up by the smell of something burning, he immediately jumped out from his bed and followed the burning smell and it lead him to the kitchen.

Then what he saw was Aisaka cooking and performing a spectacle performance.

"Ooh! A flambe... or not!" Tanaka said.

Tanaka immediately took over and stopped the pan from being burnt more.

Poor pan, he had to suffer like that.

"So what is this? dark chocolate or darker chocolate?" Tanaka asked as he looked at the burnt thing in front of him.

"That's a ham" Aisaka said as she lowered her head, she looked like a cooking student being reprimanded by gordon ramsay.

"Oh, its a ham! no wonder, its so over cooked that god will have a hard time reincarnating it" Tanaka said.

Aisaka looked at him in the eye and swung her fist towards him.

"What are you acting arrogant for huh?" She said as she raised her fist.

"Hold up! lets keep this civilized, no violence please" Tanaka said as he jumped back.

"You started it!" Aisaka said.

"Okay, sorry, sheesh, lets go to cooking class later okay, also, go get changed, we will be late, I will make us some Sandwhich" Tanaka said.

"I'm going to get changed then" Aisaka humped then went to her bedroom.

Tanaka sighed and made a sandwhich in a few minutes, he also packed some in a lunchbox and went back to his room to change to his uniform.

After that, they both started eating and Tanaka handed Aisaka her lunchbox while also putting one on his.

They then went to school together.

Arriving at school, they did not caught that much attention since it was not a secret that they were both childhood friends and live close to each other, though they still dont know that they now, live together.

Classes went as usual, it was not that hard for Tanaka who had already completed these things on his past life.

After classes, Hiruma and Tanaka talked about their training plan and finally made some up, 2 hours for grueling physical training, 1 hour of hardcore individual training.

They then handed it to their members, of course, Tanaka didnt slack off, he doubled up his training along with his daily mission.

Preliminaries was just in the corner and everyone was training hard, with Tanaka's training and also high basketball IQ that he was also teaching them, the team improved, of course, a one day training wont improve them by so much, but they still have time to train.

"Hiruma" Tanaka called out.

"What is it?" Hiruma asked.

"We only have 6 members, 7 including you, do you also want to play?" Tanaka asked.

"Keke, I can play of course, I'm also doing some training, right now, my 3 points shooting percentage is only 30 percent but I'm not going into scoring that much, I'm more of a play maker" Hiruma said.

"That is great, you will be our hidden weapon then, also take up the role of the coach, I will be the captain" Tanaka said.

"I dont want the coach, I'm already a manager and a player you know" Hiruma said.

"That is a problem, do you have anyone in mind who could take up the coach spot?" Tanaka asked.

"There is one, he had good tactics and he is also talented" Hiruma said.

"Who is it?" Tanaka asked.

"Korogane-sensei" Hiruma said.

"The P.E teacher?" Tanaka said.

"Yeah, him, I also got the physical training from him" Hiruma said.

Ryuushi Korogane, the P.E teacher of the school, even though he had a small build and not that buffed like the typical buffed P.E teacher.

That guy seemed to be a super human, he could run faster than Usain Bolt, and could also life up heavy object.(Not specified because I'm clueless about weights)

"Lets try asking him then, we will lose nothing from asking" Tanaka said.

"Okay but before that, keke" Hiruma said with an devil laugh.


"Nyuhuhu, these are really high quality, okay, I will accept being the coach of the basketball boys team" Korogane-sensei said as he looked at the cultured books in front of him.

He could not help but give a delighted expression as he looked at these beautiful books!

"Thank you Korogane-sensei" Tanaka bowed slightly, it was the basic show of respect in japanese culture.

"Just call me Koro-sensei" he said.

"Yes Koro-sensei" Tanaka said.

"Anyway, I will visit tomorrow and see your training, you can go back for now" Koro-sensei said.

"Yes" Tanaka nodded and left the faculty room along with Hiruma.

They then continued their training and when it was already 6 PM they finished their training.

Aisaka also came to pick him up and they went back home together.


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Extra chap because I finally got a contract from webnovel! also check out my new novel, VRMMO: Alter Online, it has 20 chaps and you will love it, I promise!

Also thanks for the support, to my loyal fans and new readers!


"Keep Calm and Smile" - Koro-sensei