Chapter 11: Group of Clowns

Tanaka and the team already changed their clothes and started doing their warm up when they arrives at the court.

It was their home court advantage so they dont really have to do that much but they were very nervous.

It will be their first game against another school, Sora had already gone to bathroom about 3 times already, the 4th time is on going.

Kenma and Tatsuo looked relatively calm as they both did their warm ups calmly, well, if not for their legs shaking like they were about to fall any minute now.

Asahi was nervous, not knowing what to do that he always trips when he pick a ball up, Akagi, well, he was standing tall under the rim.

He froze from being too nervous.

Hiruma was calm as ever, even cleaning up his gun.

Tanaka who was watching by the side sighed, it cant be helped since they are still kids, every kids also had these some kind of experiences whenever they do something.

For example doing a presentation in front, it was nerve racking and they will mostly stutter because of nervousness.

As for sports, this will cause for their performance to plummet and play weakly, Tanaka needed to do something about this.

"Line up!" Tanaka shouted.

Everyone loomed at Tanaka confused at first but they immediately followed his command and lined up in front of him.

He then elbowed Hiruma beside him, "You know what to do" Tanaka said then returned back to his seat.

Hiruma looked at him with question marks on his head, 'What do you mean you know what to do? Do I have some kind of super power or something?' he thought but looking at the group of people in front of him.

He was very intelligent so he immediately know what to do, he smiled evilly then pulled out a gun from somewhere.

*Click! *Kacha!

The gun was reloaded, "Everyone! Run kekeke!" Hiruma yelled as he pointed his gun at them.

Hiruma didnt really have to yell since ever since he pulled out the big guns, the group immediately felt their doom and run away from their lives.


Bullets flew and Hiruma fired like a storm trooper purposely, they ran around the court many times.

Just then the Kunigaoka basketball team arrived and saw the chaotic scene.

"Is that guy carrying and firing a gun?" one of them asked.

"I think I'm dreaming"


"Ouch! why did you hit me?"

"I thought I was dreaming"

"Are people from Ousai all barbarians?" A voice resounded on the court.

Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and turned where the arrogant voice came from.

He was a mob, Tanaka didnt even put too much attention to the guy and continued what he was doing.

The others who stopped also ignored him and continued running away from Hiruma.

The mob had a tick mark on his head as he got ignored, "Welcome to Ousai, You may use the bathroom to change then do some warm up, we will start playing 30 minutes later" Koro-sensei came and told them.

"Thank you, everyone go" The coach of the team said.

The Kunigaoka players were mad being ignored by the Ousai players, they could not help but want to crush them in practice match later.

Well, even if the group heard it they wont really care anymore, its much more important to run away from Hiruma who now took out some kind machine gun.

Anyway, after running for a few minutes, Hiruma was out of bullets and he stopp d chasing after them, he then sat beside Tanaka.

"Mission accomplished" Hiruma said.

"Good work, by the way, are you going to join the practice match?" Tanaka asked.

"I can join anytime" Hiruma replied.

"Okay, you play in the second quarter, I will play at the third" Tanaka said.

"Good enough for me" Hiruma nodded.

It didnt take long for the 30 minute warm up to end and the practice match will finally started.

Tanaka huddled up with his team.

"Dont make any blunder, play normally, just focus on the game, do you guys understand?" Tanaka said.

"Yes!" everyone replied.

"Okay, we will go with the usual line up" Tanaka said.

After that the players who will be playing gathered in the court and did some greeting to each other.

"We are going to beat your team" The center mob said to Akagi.

Akagi just looked at him and didnt say anything, it was the worst provocation he had heard ever since he joined the basketball team.

You will not know how it feels like to be showered with 'praises' that could kill that comes out from Hiruma's venomous tongue.

The tip off started and even though the other team center was a little bit taller, Akagi jumped higher and tipped away the ball.

The ball landed in Kenma's hands and he immediately threw it towards their ring in which a fast figure dashed forward.

Asahi caught the ball and did an easy lay up since the other team seemed to have froze on their positions.


As the sound of whistle resounded the other team woke up from their frozen state and immediately continued the game.

"We were surprised earlier, but dont think we will let you do it again" Said the Mob PG.

Mob PG looked around and coolly passed the ball to his teammate but Kenma was there and stole the ball.

He dribbled in front and when he reached the 3 point line, he stopped and did a shooting form.

The Mob SG who was chasing after him immediately jumped even though he was still a few inches away.

But Kenma lowered the ball letting the guy fly off to mars, he then calmly shot the ball, giving them an easy score.

"Does these guys really play basketball? why does it seem like they are doing a fashion show?" Hiruma asked.

"I dont know, it was amusing either way, I have never seen monkeys in a circus, this is an alternative" Tanaka commented.

The match continued and the other team seemed to not even give a challenge, they are bad at passing and scoring, they only know how to show off.

Anyway, through out the game they only scored a few times due to some lucky shot, Tanaka was even getting frustrated from watching the match.

It was supposed to be a practice match, not a childsplay match!

The score was already 69-8, this was not even a form of training for the team anymore, "And here I got excited for the practice match" Tanaka grimaced.

"Well, at least, it helped them to get some experience" Tanaka thought.

Anyway the game continued and Tanaka decided not to join the game anymore and just watch, even if he joins, he will just get frustrated because the other team doesnt really play basketball.

After the match, everyone bowed to each other then finally dispersed away, Meanwhile, Tanaka had already left and went to their advisor teacher, Mihano-sensei.

Their opponent for the practice match is very weak, Tanaka was still grateful that Mihano sensei helped them with the practice match but it would be better for Mihano sensei to find tougher opponents.

Preliminaries are just around the corner, and Tanaka's goal was winning the nationals.

After talking with Miyano sensei, well, she couldnt find anyone else anymore, Kunigaoka only agreed because Mihano-sensei was friends with one of their higher ups, but she will try her best finding one.

Anyway, Tanaka accepted it and didnt say anything anymore, if there is really nothing, he would just find one on his own.

Practice matches arent really essential for the team but Tanaka wanted to temper them with the pressure of many people watching them.

Tanaka sighed, too many problems keeps popping out, anyway, he waited outside the gate for Aisaka and a few moments later she came and they both went back home together.

"How was your practice match?" Aisaka asked.

"Bad, the opponent doesnt seem to even know how to play basketball" Tanaka replied.

"Hmm, well, Kunigaoka wasn't really a sports school since they put more importance to study, they only do sports for fun" Aisaka said.

"No wonder" Tanaka nodded.

"What's for dinner?" Aisaka asked.

"I'll make dinner today, i'll make beef stew" Tanaka said.

"Okaay~ I will lie on the couch for now" Aisaka said.

After Tanaka finished cooking, they ate their dinner then watched somethings and then finally went to sleep.

The next day, Tanaka felt something soft, he was hugging it tightly, he groggily opened his eyes and looked around.

It was very blurry since he just opened his eyes, he then felt the soft thing more, 'Is it my pillow? no, I only have one pillow' Tanaka thought.

He then turned his head to the soft thing he was holding.

It was a small girl with blond hair, it was Aisaka, she was sleeping peacefully, Tanaka was dumbfounded for a moment before he remembered what happened yesterday.


Extra chappy later since my novel reached 100 stones.

Tip me, PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.

200 stones on my novel= Extra chappy.


I know that I'm not alone, but I want to be strong when I Am -???