14- Ousai vs Yukigaoka 2

The second quarter started and the ball was in Yukigaoka's possession, Tanaka substituted Kenma out since Kenma's stamina was also limited.

The game started with Tanaka's position as the Shooting guard while Sora became the point guard.

"Lets have a good game" Tanaka greeted his opponent.

"Uh, yeah" The Shooting guard replied.

Tanaka guarded the shooting guard of the Yukigaoka with a smile, this caused the shooting guard to be confused, but he just ignored it and continued the game, despite being behind by 30 points, the Yukigaoka still played with all of their might.

This made Tanaka impressed, not many people could keep their will to play more when they are so behind with the points.

He didn't try to suppress them but let them have the fun of playing the game, if the enemy cant win, at least let them have fun, Tanaka played basketball for very long that it made him puke, but he started to enjoy it.

Tanaka knew too well, the feeling of not being able to caught up, the frustration, the unwillingness to lose but you still wanted to play and enjoy the game, Tanaka knew that too well.

No one wanted to lose, that was what the shadows taught Tanaka when he was stuck in that space, 'if you lose then you can still improve'.

The ball was passed towards the PF of the Yukigaoka and tried to shoot but was blocked by Tatsuo.

Tanaka picked up the ball and dribbled it towards their ring, "Shall we dance?" Tanaka said to his defender who was chasing him.,

Tanaka halted his steps and pulled the ball back with a dribble, the defender also halted his steps and tried to steal the ball but Tanaka dribbled it between his legs and got passed the defender.

The defender tried regained his balance and chased after Tanaka once again but for Tanaka to halt his steps once again and pull the ball back, the defender was caught off guard and almost slipped but he was able to stop himself.

The defender immediately stood in front of Tanaka and spread his legs and arms, but Tanaka dribbled the ball and did a spin, then when he got pass, he halted once again and pull back, this time the ball went between the legs of the defender.

This time he truly lost his balance and fell to his butt, Tanaka still had the smile on his face but he didn't shoot the ball but passed it towards Sora who was already waiting on the three point position.

Sora caught the ball and shot the ball with a beautiful arc and went in.

"W-whoa! that guy just got his ankle broken!"

"Whoa! which school did that guy came from?"

"Ousai Academy? Isn't that the all girls academy? oh, wait, it was actually true that they became co-ed!"

"Those guys must be lucky, they have their dreams of building a harem close by"

"Why are we talking about Harem? didnt you see that ankle break?"

"Yeah, we saw it, but we have our priorities"

Tanaka helped the guy who was defending him to stand up, they gave some nice words to each other then the game continued, 'Japanese people are really polite, well not all of them', Tanaka thought.

The match continued with Tanaka not really going too much in defending but, for the sake of the MVP title, he would sometimes steal the ball, that sometimes are about 13 steals.

Anyway for the first 2 minutes of the game, Tanaka never shot the ball and only passed the ball to his teammates letting them score, he was not that flashy but he broke another 3 ankles when he was dribbling.

Because of this, Tanaka once again became the center of attention, but Tanaka did not care, he looked at the clock and it was finally time for him to rack up some scores.

"Hey, its time" Tanaka said to his teammates.

"Yes!" the boys replied.

They let the Yukigaoka get an easy score, then the ball went into the possession of Ousai, Sora immediately passed the ball to Tanaka and went to their positions, everyone was outside the 3 point line, even Akagi the center was outside.

This caused confusion to everyone who was watching, even the other players.

Tanaka didn't bother explaining and moved forward slowly, since his teammates were on the outside, most of the defenders were inside, waiting for any movement that will happen.

Tanaka smiled, he took a deep breath, "I cant use most of my skills with my body but, its enough to show off for now" Tanaka said,.

The point guard went in front of Tanaka, Tanaka dribbled the ball towards his left then immediately jabbed to the right by pulling the ball,, the point guard was left behind but Tanaka was met with the shooting guard who was waiting behind.

The SG tried to go for the steal but Tanaka dribbled the ball forward and did a crossover, and got passed the SG, in the middle the SF was waiting and the SF spread his arms out to intercept Tanaka.

But Tanaka did an in and out dribble and caused the SF to step back, then Tanaka added a behind the back dribble but stopped mid way then he got the ball with both of his hands and a fade away. (PS: I don't know what I'm imagining here)

The ball sunk into the ring without any problems, it was an easy score, everyone was silent for a bit before everyone erupted into cheers.

"Whooaa! he just crossed the whole team!"

"That was sick!"

"Though, I guess he is a bit lacking against the Teiko"

"Dont mention them bro, they are monsters"

Tanaka didn't use any special abilities like the monsters of Teiko, Tanaka had already heard about Teiko, they were monsters in another words, they were all first years like Tanaka.

But Tanaka was very excited playing against them, but what Tanaka showed right was just basic moves he learned from a certain shadow who liked to dribble and cross his opponents.

The game then continued with Tanaka scoring almost all of the last 8 minutes of the quarter, in the end, he got about 46 points, and was already very tried, he didn't shoot 3 points and only drove inside the basket with many defending him.

"Damn, I really need to train this body to the bone" Tanaka complained as he panted.

Anyway, after the game ended, Tanaka's final score was 46 points, 13 assists, 12 rebounds, 15 steals, and 3 blocks.

The total points for the Ousai Team is 123 points and Yukigaoka have 63 points.

"It was a great game, I hope you guys improve more" Tanaka said to the captain of the Yukigaoka Middle School.

"Haha, we got beaten up but yes, we will improve more, hope we can play again next time" the captain said.

"My name is Tanaka, lets play again next time" Tanaka said, and extended his hand for a handshake.

"Yukikata Izumi" Izumi shook hands with Tanaka.

After that Tanaka talked with each players of the other team and gave them advice as a fellow player, he doesnt care if they became better but there is nothing wrong with that.

If they improve then highschool will be much more interesting.

After the match, Tanaka and the boys team changed their clothes and went back to the bus, their trip was very quiet and no one seemed to be very excited for their win, well, except for Sora who was talking with his mother.

"How was the game? everyone reply one by one" Tanaka asked.

"Its a good experience" Asahi replied.

"Nothing much" Kenma replied.

"Noticed some of my mistakes" Akagi said.

"I was very happy!" Sora replied.

"Its so-so" Tatsuo said..

"So-so what?" Tanaka asked.

"lets be real everyone, their skills were average and I didn't even have to defend that hard" Tatsuo said.

"That is true, but its only the first match, if you still don't have enough play a match with me" Tanaka said.

"Yeah, sorry, I got full of myself" Tatsuo said.

"Anyway, guys make sure to rest today okay, don't fap for tonight" Koro-sensei said.

"We wont!" everyone yelled at Koro-sensei.


Tanaka didn't immediately go back to Aisaka's apartment but decided to drop by to his own house, it was clean as ever thanks to the servants attending it.

Mark took some pair of clothes from the house, the oversized ones, he loved wearing those, it felt very comfortable, and Aisaka said she also wanted oversized shirts so he brought many with him.

After putting all of the clothes he chose, he stored it all in his bag, then finally went back to Aisaka's apartment, it was already noon when he got back and Aisaka was already waiting inside.

"I'm home" Tanaka called out.

"Welcome back" Aisaka's voice came from the kitchen.

"What's for dinner?" Tanaka asked.

"Fried Chicken" Aisaka replied.

"You only know how to cook fried dishes..." Tanaka said.

Aisaka turned her head and stared at him angrily, "Then dont eat" She said.

"I'm just joking, so Ms. Fry" Tanaka teased.

"You really have a death wish" Aisaka said as she pulled out the kitchen knife and her eyes glowed red.


100 stones on my novel Alter Online + extra chapter on KnB Fanfic: Rise!

Tip the author! PalPal.Me/LazyTanaka.

Sorry about the messy writing! XD

Anime Fun Fact:

You can never be sure about the gender of a anime character.