16- Ousai Vs Ohashi 1

The next day, Tanaka and the team met up at school once again, since they were fairly close to the stadium, they didn't have to go to a hotel like the other schools did.

Anyway, Tanaka and the others arrived at the Stadium once again and this time, this time they caught more attention than yesterday, not many schools could score a hundred plus in a game even if they were against a weak team.

So they became one of the schools to look at, of course, Ousai Academy was gaining more fame from this, of course, as the team's ace, Tanaka was the one who caught most of the attention, on top of being talented in basketball, he was also very handsome.

Don't worry, he was just bragging, anyway, it didn't change the fact that he scored 40 plus points against their opponent, his team also caught the attention of many.

Today, Tanaka needed to conserve the energy of his team, since they will play 2 matches, if they win the first match, no, they will win the first match, but since the Ousai Team only had few members, this was a big problem for them.

They were the only team with 7 members in the whole school, this was also on of the weaknesses in their team.

Tanaka and the boys entered the court with their basketball uniforms already on,, they were one of the first matches, Mark and the others gathered and decided to talk about the strategy.

"Kenma will be out for this game, Sora will be the Point guard while Hiruma will be the Shooting Guard, as for the other three, you can play hard in the first quarter if you need to, on the 2nd, I will take everything, try to rest in the second quarter" Tanaka started explaining their strategies.

Meanwhile, the coach of the Ohashi Middle School gazed at the Ousai Basketball team and of course, noticed that they have few members, he then looked at his players, "Go ham in the first quarter and try to tire them out, they will try to save their energy so we could use that" the coach said.

"Yes!" the players replied.

The coach nodded and the players entered the court, he noticed that there was a new player that entered the court, he had watched the match of Ousai and Yukigaoka, he knew these players were very talented.

Especially for Tanaka, but according to the papers, Ousai had 7 players, and that 7th player was player named Hiruma, there was no record about him playing so he was still a mystery to everyone and now, the coach thought he was just a bench player but they actually sent this player to the game.

The tip off started with the ball going to the Ousai Team, Sora dribbled then as he his defender confronted him, he passed the ball to Hiruma immediately, he maybe the point guard but Hiruma was much better at play playmaking than him.

Hiruma caught the ball and slowly dribbled the ball, his eyes scanned the whole court "Let's go with a bang, Ya-Ha!" Hiruma said then his hand moved like a whip then the next moment the ball disappeared from his hand and reappeared in Akagi's hands.

Akagi then easily shot the ball with a power lay-up, the players of Ohashi Middle School including the coach had their eyes wide open not knowing what just happened, a fast and precise pass, that was what the coach saw from the side lines.

It was like a bullet that was fired and the next moment he knew, the ball was already in the hands of Akagi, the coach of Ohashi Middle School sweated, 'There are so many monsters' he thought.

The game continued, the ball was in Ohashi Team, Chiaki the point guard, dribbled the ball, he didn't see what happened despite being in front of Hiruma at that time, he wasn't even able to react when Hiruma passed the ball.

He didn't know what happened but that didn't mean he will not play anymore, he looked around the court and dribbled the ball, he dribbled in front of Sora who was defending him.

He did a behind the back pass towards Rukawa who was just near him, Rukawa caught the ball and faced off Hiruma who had a devilish smile on his face, Rukawa didn't care,, he did a hesitation move towards the left then when he noticed Hiruma move he immediately dashed towards the right but before the ball could leave from his hand a hand stole the ball away.


A figure dashed pass by him and caught the ball immediately, it was Asahi, from the beginning he was already inching closer beside him as if he was waiting for something, then when Hiruma slapped the ball away, he immediately went for the run.

Asahi's speed was nothing to scoff at, he immediately reached the rim and did a simple finger roll giving them another score, it was now 4-0 and only 10 seconds has passed by since the start of the game.

This caused the morale of the Ohashi to drop.

"Its alright, its alright, lets get back the score!" the captain of their team said then took the ball and passed it to Chiaki.

Chiaki caught the ball and this time dribbled slowly, he once again looked around the court and noticed his brother Momoharu leaving his mark, Chiaki passed the ball over the head of Sora to Momoharu.

Momoharu caught the ball and immediately jabbed towards the right to fake his defender but unfortunately his opponent was Kuro who sticked to him, Momoharu tried to pivot to the right once again but he noticed Kuro caught up to him.

Momoharu had no choice but to pass the ball back to Chiaki, that play wasted 10 seconds in the shot clock, Chiaki dribbled the ball, and looked at his teammates, they were defended very well, and a mistake could cause them to be behind by 6 points, this will cause for their morale to really drop.

The captain of their team knew this, he gritted his teeth and raised his hand for the pass, Chiaki immediately passed the ball to Rukawa who passed the ball towards the captain, the captain was the center of the team.

He tried to post up to Akagi but no matter how hard he pushed Akagi won't budge at all, he wanted to pass the ball but the shot clock was also running out, he decided to risk it and do a hook shot.


It bounced at the rim a few times, but it didn't go in, it was very close, Akagi rebounded the ball and passed the ball to Hiruma who was in front of him.


I just noticed a mistake I did, I taught Kuro's last name was Tatsu and used that for many chapters, so for now, sorry for the mistake! I will call him Kuro now instead of Tetsuro.

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I'm going to post my pending works and also advance chaps there, also Multiverse Internet cafe chapters will be updated there.


"Be Strong" I whispered to my wifi signal.