26- Show Off

"You can't see his stats, what do you mean?" Aomine asked.

"I mean, I can't analyze him, I tried watching his matches but I found nothing useful out of it, I cant see his skill level or even his physical ability, I hope to see something on this match but I can't see anything, I also tried checking his background and there was nothing about him playing basketball ever, he is a mystery, it's like I'm looking at a human who just started existing just now," Momoi said.

"What!" Aomine exclaimed from shock, he knows Momoi was good at gathering information but to think that she wasn't able to gather a single useful thing about that guy, it's making him excited.

"Doesn't matter, he is just a small guy, I will crush him" Murasakibara who was eating chips said.

"Hehe, even if he is a ghost or something, I will steal all of his moves and easily win the game," Haizaki said with a sadistic smile on his face.

"I will play the game as usual" Midorima also said.

Momoi was already used to her team's arrogant personalities so her only hope was Akashi who was the person who could understand her, "I'm not sure yet but let's watch their match first, and from what I see, he is far more dangerous than we think" Akashi replied with a serious tone.

There is no way for a weak player to be able to hype the whole audience the moment he stepped into the court, it was like a king stepping in front of his people and being praised for how great he was, it was something that Akashi could feel.

Tanaka was, of course, surprised by how popular he was, and they have very high expectations of him, Tanaka sighed, he then raised his hand giving a reply to the loud cheers of the crowd.

"Then how about I give them a show" Tanaka smiled and picked up a ball nearby, he went at the three-point line and stared at the ring.


Tanaka ran forward and when he just got past the free-throw line, he jumped high forward with the ball in his hand, Tanaka then raised his right leg and when he was at the peak of his jump, he moved the ball and moved it between his legs, Tanaka did it very fast and the moment it went between his legs, he dunked the ball.


Tanaka landed on the ground and the moment he looked at the audience and gave a cheeky smile, they immediately burst out into loud cheers, Tanaka just did the famous rider dunk which is difficult to do.

After the show-off, Tanaka continued his warm-up, he can't skip the warm-up, it's important, so after a few minutes of warming up, Tanaka was ready than ever, he then turned his head towards one of the stands where the Teiko were sitting, but he didn't; say anything.

The Teiko members noticed this of course but seeing Tanaka didn't say anything to them, they didn't care, the game started with the ball in possession of Ousai.

Tanaka dribbled the forward-facing off his defender, Tanaka smiled and flashed towards the right, the defender chased after him but a screen was laid out by Kuro and intercepted the defender, Tanaka then halted his steps and switched towards the left.

The point guard who tried to circle around Kuro was left behind by Tanaka.

Tanaka moved forward and faced off 2 members of the Meiho team in the paint, Tanaka spun around avoiding the Power forward in front of him, then Tanaka went for the layup and the Center jumped for the block but Tanaka spun his body mid-air doing a double-clutch, giving them a score.

Tanaka still had the usual smile on his face as he made his way towards their defense position, the point guard of Meiho dribbled the ball and Tanaka let him get past him, Tanaka made eye contact with Akagi and Akagi immediately boxed out the center of the Meiho.

The point guard was confused by this but nonetheless, it was a free shot for him so he went for the lay up but just as he reached the apex of his jump and was going for a finger roll, a hand smacked the ball from his hand banging it on the board.


Tanaka blocked the ball and caught it as it fell, he then dribbled it forward and saw Sora was already in the paint, Tanaka passed the ball through the skies and it was caught by Sora but Sora didn't shoot it as someone was behind him, Sora slammed the ball to the ground and it flew high up, in the next moment, a hand caught the ball, it was Asahi but Asahi wasn't able to do a follow p shot due to a defender in front of him but Asahi saw Tanaka running towards them.

He clutched the ball avoiding the block then Asahi threw the ball near the rim, just in time a Tanaka jumped and caught the ball mid-air and dunked the ball on the rim.


Tanaka landed on the ground but he didn't look at the Meiho players but laid his eyes on the Teiko and flashed a smile, and raised his finger forward, and beckoned for them to come.

After that Tanaka was about to leave when he noticed that the Meiho players were getting agitated and passed the ball to their teammate while he was in the middle.


Tanaka caught the ball and dribbled it around him, there were 3 players around him, one behind and two in front, Tanaka dribbled between his legs and suddenly threw the ball into the air.

Just then a fast figure jumped towards the ball and grabbed it mid-air, dunking the ball on the rim!


Asahi dunked the ball into the rim and landed on the ground, Tanaka and Asahi ran back to their defense position together and Asahi extended his hand for the fist bump in which Tanaka gladly did, their teamwork today is very good.

-=-=-=-=End Of Chapter=-=-=-=-

After a long time of thinking, I finally have something to say here.


Anyway, It seems like SAO is catching up Solo Leveling, also like I said, I won't count the spam comments, anyway, there are still about 5 days before the voting ends, I already started writing some chapters of SAO and Solo Leveling, I just laid out the plot I mean, also Multiverse Internet cafe readers! it has now about 5 chapters :D

Well, that is all.


Having Knowledge when you are young is like a curse -XXX