33- Its finally starting!

Seeing that the player they were expecting to come out for has not arrived, the announcer felt awkward, he hyped the match so much for only the Star of the game not to appear in the moment.

A few moments later, a staff came and told the announcer what happened, the announcer nodded and relayed the information to the audience.

[Oh... it seems like the player we are expecting had a little bit of technical difficulty but he will be back shortly]

What he said was true, Tanaka was now having the shit of his life in the bathroom, he had been holding it since the first match earlier, "Holy sh*t, my stomach is acting up!" Tanaka groaned from the pain.

Tanaka didn't know what he had eaten earlier but he was sure it was food given by Aisaka, so there nothing wrong with it?

Yes, even he was not sure since Aisaka started creating her own recipes, a few days ago, and all of them were supposed to be nutritional food, Tanaka didn't pay attention to what she was feeding him earlier since he was watching the match earlier.

"It looks like..." Tanaka sighed.


"Is captain not coming? the match is going to start soon" Sora asked as he looked around.

"Well... he looked like he was really holding it in, maybe it will take him more time in there," Hiruma said.

"Ugh, the first quarter will be very difficult then"

"Now, now, I think Captain won't take that long," Asahi said in a low voice.

"Go on focus in warming up, the match will start in 5 minutes, let's discuss strategy later after Tanaka returned" Hiruma commanded and pulled a gun out of nowhere.

Everyone immediately scattered away doing their warm-up properly, of course, you would do it properly if your guard is carrying a gun and was not scared of firing at you, but they were still nervous, Tanaka was their pillar, if he isn't here, their team will be but an average team.

At Teiko, everyone was looking at the Ousai Team and noticed Tanaka was not there, they were starting to wonder where Tanaka is, he was a guy that they wanted to play basketball with, especially Aomine who was really excited to play with Tanaka.

"Where is he? I wanted to have a chat with him" Aomine scratched the back of his head as he looked around, the others were also confused about where did Tanaka go.

Just then, the crowd suddenly started cheering and their cheers were louder than the time when they came in, it was so defeating that everyone could not help but focus their attention on the person that just entered the court.

He was only at the same age as them but everyone, it was just a moment but they saw when Tanaka walked inside the court, they saw a huge being looking over them as if he was a god.

Standing on earth, Tanaka's figure was enormous than the whole world itself, looking at them as if they were but its small creation, and looking at them amusingly.

'Just sheer pressure of entering the court already made me feel like this! amazing!' Aomine could not help but look at Tanaka in awe, this is the opponent he wanted to play with, someone who will keep him improving.

Tanaka looked around the court with a content smile on his face, thankfully, Koro-sensei came to save him and gave him some medicine, it was really effective too and made his stomach ache disappear, "Though, I really need to keep looking at Aisaka, she will be the death of me one day" Tanaka sighed.

"Captain you are back! we almost thought you aren't going to play" Sora came and said.

"That's what the readers thought too" Tanaka gave a cheeky smile.

"What do you mean?" Sora asked confused by what Tanaka meant.

"Nothing, just talking to some people who were already predicting things," Tanaka said and took out a tape, "Anyway, gather everyone up, we will talk about our strategy," Tanaka said as he went into a nearby wall with a crack and taped it.

"O-okay" Sora nodded, he could not help but feel Tanaka had become weird, well, he had always been weird but, this time, he didn't hide it, but anyway, he didn't really care and won't bother with it, he then called his teammates.

The Ousai Team immediately gathered around Tanaka when they were called out, Tanaka was much scarier than Hiruma who had a gun, he didn't threaten them, but this guy is very vengeful, he may double or triple your training.

"Now that is everyone here, let's talk, for the first quarter, Kuro and Kenma will sit out" Tanaka immediately said.

"They will sit out? then..." everyone immediately understood what Tanaka meant.

"Yes, Teiko is a strong team, they have a lot of potentials and they are better than us in terms of teamwork, and in terms of individual talent, except for me, all of you will lose against them, so in the first quarter, Hiruma and I will rack up points as much as we could," Tanaka explained detail by detail about their strategy.

Unknown to them, this game will be where the future title of the Demon King's army will be called out through their lifetime.

"Kekeke, for the final boss to enter the first village, this will probably shock them" Hiruma laughed.

"You know what it means when the final boss enters the battle" Tanaka smiled and looked at Hiruma who gave a devilish smile, "When the Final Boss enters the battle, he will always go for the kill," Hiruma said.


The referee whistled his whistle indicating the match will start soon, the moment the players and crowd saw the lineup of the Ousai, everyone was immediately in an uproar, it was unprecedented as Tanaka entered the first quarter!

Everyone couldn't help but get excited and shout until their voices were gone.

The match of Ousai against Teiko will now start!


Sorry for the late updates! Anyway, I wanted to hype it up more, and I'm also doing some more research about basketball, also classes started and I'm a student so updates will be a little unscheduled but I will try to upload a chap per day.


My favorite food is banana because it reminds me of my favorite color, which is blue- by Raphael or peter for short.