Totally 5 members had came out from that portal.

That portal disappears.

The level of brightness decreased cause the portal disappears.

" Who the hell are you?" asked shurin.

" We are humans" said one boy among those 5 members.

" I know you are humans, but who the hell are you guys? " yelled shurin.

" We came here from future" said those people.

" What? sorry, but quit joking" said shurin.

" We really came from future" said those people.

Later, they introduced themselves.

1. Yukoriji, 2. Harizoko, 3. Karakuzake, 4. Harikaze, 5. Korobuko, These are the names of that strange people.

" Why have you came here?" asked shirokakaru.

" Well, in our timeline, we are still trying to kill shadow lord, but we couldn't be able to, shurin the one who can defeat him has died in our timeline, so we came here to train him stronger, we want him to kill that shadow lord in this timeline" said yukoriji.

" Do i really die in your timeline? " asked shurin.

" Oh! then you must be shurin" said yukoriji.

" Yes i am, but answer my question first" said shurin.

" Yes, you were brutally murdered by shadow lord " said harikaze.

" That doesn't sound very good" said shirokakaru.

" Yeah! that's why we time travelled to here" said harizoko.

" But wait, how can you go back to your timeline again?" asked shurin.

" Well, no need to worry about that, we actually can go to our timeline whenever we want, for that, we have these rings" said karakuzake.

Shurin deeply looked at those rings, those rings seems to be very different than others.

" Well! by using these rings, we can go back to our timeline easily" said korobuko.

" Alright!" said shurin.

" But first, we need to complete our task, it is to make you stronger" said harikaze.

" Oh! thanks for that" said shurin.

" Don't make me yawn" said harikaze.

Well, now shurin's team is filled with 8 members including him.

" I am getting a very different feeling now" said shurin.

" I'm so pumped up" said clark.

" Oh! i forgot you are here" said shurin.

" Well, no problem" said clark.

" You're as silly as shurin" said shirokakaru.

" Hey you! I'm not a silly person" said shurin.

" Yes you are not, because you are lame" said shirokakaru.

" How dare you?" yelled shurin.

" Well, you're actually being very silly" said shirokakaru.

" How am I silly?" asked shurin.

" Why are you trying to hide your emotions, i can see both pain and vengeance in your heart, why are you trying to act so normal?" asked shirokakaru.

" Me?" asked shurin.

" That's the main silly thing about you" said shirokakaru.

" Well, that's not silly, i'm just hiding my emotions cause crying won't bring back my family, i was just trying to act normal cause I want no one to know about my pain, but you figured it out quick" said shurin.

" Well, that might me a stupid answer but i can sense your pain" said shirokakaru.

" How can you? how can you sense my pain, my pain is mine afterall" shouted shurin.

" I've experienced the same situation when I was 8 years old, infront of me, my family was annihilated by those shadow creatures, but i couldn't do anything cause I'm not strong enough at that time, i just ran away from those creatures and now i am living a peaceful life in the forest, i have enough of strength and enough of food, but not enough of love, the only thing I miss in my life is my family" said shirokakaru.

" Well, I'm sorry about that" said shurin.

" No problem" said shirokakaru.

" I hope you will experience enough of love later" said shurin.

" I didn't get you" said shirokakaru.

" I mean, you may have a lovely life partner" said shurin.

" Well, don't make me yawn" said shirokakaru.

" Ok!" said shurin.