Varvas River

The river was wide and vast.

The caravan was stopped from passing the river after seeing that there was a Jakian Empire offer on the stone bridge.

They were using cranes to lift one stone after another. The river below was tamed, nonetheless, it didn't mean that the river was shallow either. It should be fifteen-foot deep and even from where I was standing, I could see how deep the river was, the fishes in the river were also not hiding, brazenly swimming.

The caravan had to stop next to the river bank while the construction workers were doing their jobs. Our caravan couldn't possibly cross the river this deep and wide. There might be people who might take a giant leap and cross the stone bridge, but he was not among them. Who would want to do such a thing?

The rest took the time to investigate the water, when they found no trace of anything, they made bush-crafted fishing poles and threw in their lines. The rest who wanted to eat fish desperately scooped them out of the water, the rest just sat on the side, wiping their heads with the water, filling their canteen.

Travelers had this mentality that they rather adapt to the area than take control of nature. Bren told wisely that fighting against nature was just plain foolish, it was not good to be swallowed up by it either, so it should be done in moderation.

Bren sat on one of the big boulders that rolled to the riverbank. I stood next to the boulder with my eyes trained on the other side of the river.

"Looks like they got a gigant problem."


Bren pointed his hand on the stone column holding up the bridge. It was a grotesque hand that had been impaled by one of the supporting beams of the bridge.

"Someone probably fought the gigant here in the stone bridge. Managed to take down the beast but made a mess for everyone by letting the bridge gets destroyed. I rather not travel more miles than I want to."

It was a pain in the ass. There was no doubt that I was annoyed how our greatest enemy right now was the fallen stone bridge. I wonder where the construction workers came from? Because if they have been repairing this bridge then they should carry the materials from somewhere.

The river. The river itself could carry the materials to this place. The river itself was large and wide enough for boats to sail through them. I also heard that it was common for the Empire to use the rivers now to quickly transport materials.

I looked around. There were no signs of the boat anywhere so I had to assume that they left at the moment. There were wagons and horses staked near the river as well. Next to the bridge was the encampment of the construction workers as well. Some of them were approaching the wagons of the caravan, asking if they could trade any stuff from their wagons.

It was interesting to me nonetheless. How they lifted one stone after another using the crane they made on the spot. Thankfully, the stone bridge seems like it would be passable and the caravan wouldn't have to wait long before we get to move again.

Meris approached us while tapping the bottom of her tap on the ground. She had this solemn expression as she leaned on the rocks. "Looks like we have to wait for two days before we could move again."

"Two days?"

"Yeah, that's what the construction workers are saying," Meris flicked her fingers, creating candlelight before pressing her fingers together. "They've done pretty well despite having a gigant tore through the bridge. Seems like it was an ogre who got its face slammed on the bridge by a martial master who forgot to hold back. There were signs of burning and lightning strikes so it was probably a mercenary troupe who fought the gigant."

"Are they a government party?"

"Not likely. See that emblem? Looks like they are a private construction company that took the bid to construct this. This is one of the main route bridges so there was a need to restore the bridge as soon as possible to keep the trade route going."

Our caravan was following the main route leading to the Capital. Not to mention that other than this bridge there are other bridges and the Empire filled with rivers that spread like roots. It had always been a priority to maintain the bridges as soon as they could. I did hear from Micah once that there were talks about filling the river so they don't worry about building bridges. Then again, they would have to hire mages to transform the terrain and fill the river with earth and rock. The problem was that they don't know the adverse effects of changing the terrain. The river itself was wild and during storms, they would overflow and cause damages to the crops and the livelihood of the people of the Empire.

The officials, the officers, and even the Empire's clerks aren't stupid enough to disregard the concern of the people. They would not dare to ruin the gains and benefits that they would get from crops and livelihood. Of course, not everyone thinks that so they usually just ignore them and take care of the problems before thinking of the long-term effects of their actions.

Interests and profits were always what my kind of people focuses on when deciding. Anyway, I am just glad that we don't have to wait that long. Though Bren proposed that we crossed the river and carry our horses to the other side. Meris wanted to stay with the caravan just in case there are hordes. It was better if there are many people and most of the travelers who are staying with the caravan are being paid to stick with them. So not only do they get a better sense of security, but they are also getting paid. Why would they leave unless they are going in another direction?

Bren joined the travelers in fishing near the river. I had no skill in catching fish, but I was interested in how much he could pull from the river. Our fellow travelers didn't get much fish as well. There are others who partake in the activity, while the rest watched the area for any attacks.

Bren got three fishes that were the size of an arm after two hours. He was feeling pleased with himself so he gave the one for Meris and for me. Bren readied the campfire, took out a few seasonings he concocted himself, and started to sprinkle it on the fish we got from the river.

Night has always come so fast for me lately. Before I know it the sun would go down and the familiar sky would appear. The moon of our mother planet was clearly seen in the sky. There was extra moonlight to light the scenery. A traveling bard played a gentle tune while everyone relaxed and took a rest.

The next morning, I took off my upper top and washed mine on the river. After washing, I went back to our camp, heated myself on the fire, ate another ration, and pulled on my cloak. Meris wanted me to assist in tying her hair so I had it tied to a ponytail using a small thin rope she provided.

Bren became the official cook of the party so he decided on what to eat. I had given him some of my rations for him took for a stew. He told me that the construction of the bridge was going smoothly that he invited me to hunt grassland doe that was gathering a few meters from the river. The travelers were going to hunt the doe for ration so after he started cooking the stew. We joined the hunt alongside our fellow travelers. I'd not hunted ever since I was a child so the stalking made me recall better times.

Fifteen away from us we started to chant earth wall. Alongside the sorcerers who joined us, we raised an earth wall around the doe and trapped them inside. With them trapped into a box made of earth, it was easy picking. The travelers got two doe's and the rest were purchased by the caravan and the construction company's encampment. The leftover doe was released to the wild since they couldn't drag them around like cattle with their current load.

Bren and I prepared the doe before the stew was done. We removed the blood, intestine, and butchered the meat. We summoned water from our hands, washed the doe, rubbed it with salt and Bren's seasonings, and placed it inside the stew. The rest of the meat was ready for roasting. Bren planned to store the stew and meat inside this container made of wood that he had on his pack.

The taste was ordinary compared to what I usually eat in the Archduchy. But it had this different kind of taste while I feast on them here outside the comfort of my home. By the time we were done, I feel my stomach bloated. Bren ate heartily, not minding the stare he was getting from Meris.

By noon, I was getting my lessons from Meris again. This time she taught me how effectively use prana to strengthen the body. I was able to do it quickly because of my physique. Then she taught me how to manipulate an element, which is commonly called 'weaving' by those who have done it. I was ignorant of 'weaving' so I could only watch and follow Meris weave her own interpretation of the spell. Chants were made to embody and give power to the spell that was created. Following the chant was the best for those who have not refined their control of magic. It could be likened to playing instruments, you could play the instruments all you like but if there is no melody or tune then it would sound unpleasant unless you were following certain patterns while playing the said instrument.

I was average in comprehension so I could only follow through with her lessons. Meris was the kind of person who thought nothing of what she teaches. She thinks that it was 'common sense' what she was thinking and did not elaborate further beyond what she had said. If she had explained it to me thoroughly, perhaps I might be able to uncover why I could not easily control my prana as she and Bren do.

"You may have only half of our prana, but you recover your prana so quickly it outweighs the difference. However, I had noticed that your recovery makes your control erratic, unrefined, and chaotic. It's a long road for you. You have to rely on different chants if you want to cast spells without failing."

He had more to say about my control of prana.

It was heartbreaking listening to how he told me that my prana control was the same as a kid throwing dirt and thinking that it was 'magic' because the dirt became dust and was blown on his eyes instead. Meris held the same opinion as Bren and told me that maybe I should stick to being a martial master. I was not dumb enough to understand that my physique allows me to reach a level where I might just take a step on the heroic rank. But the wish of the wraith who had fought many battles, and the wish of a man who only wishes to practice magic and better himself were the same.

To protect me and at the same feeling like I was achieving something.

It was a selfish wish. I know that no one could have the privilege to redo their mistakes.

Because of many factors I could live and feel alive.

Then again, I know that after this I would have to make amends.

But before I can make amends, I need to learn.

I do not want to be ignorant while making amends.