The beginning of a village.

In the world or realm of Pinghua, there are sects, forbidden zones, cultivators, secret realms and you know the occasional reincarnate, demon lords, backstabbing, grudge-holding, self-righteous, hypocrite, brain dead bastards who will do anything from eating their own children to ruining the lives of thousands all in the name of being or becoming strong. You know, the whole package.

I am going off-topic what I wanted to say is when I spun the wheel of worlds instead of it landing in peaceful worlds like Shokugeki no soma or any romance anime out there it had to land on a.f***ing. and don't get me started on 'maybe I can be or will be a salted fish without bothering anyone' bullshit. That's nonsense and you know it.

Silverlining being I got the Clash of clans system without the AI that usually accompanies shit like this and I got to be the owner of my own realm and I only have to defend myself and the village against goblins known as cultivators once every 100 years which considering their life spans is actually not that long.

You would think that this actually not bad I just have to start a village and naturally die at the end of my life span but nope, I am immortal.

Yes, you heard me I am freaking immortal. You see the 'ROB' that gave me my powers got worried that I didn't get any overpowered powers and the fact that I am trapped in my realm till the day I die meaning I won't be able to go out and achieve OPness by cultivating decided to make me immortal to 'compensate' me. Don't get me wrong he was a swell guy helpful and tearful at meeting someone like me. I don't hate the guy it just makes me worried about the kind of people he has been dealing with since his creation.

Now Immortality who the hell in their sane minds would want that? being immortal is so bad that even the 3-Great gods in Hindu mythology who may I remind you represent Creation, Existence, and End go through a cycle of rebirth and death every 2,764,800 divine years with each divine year being about 250 billion years long.

Oh, I should probably introduce my self my name is inconsequential as I forgot about it you can call me 'Chief' 'cause that's what my role is going to be from now on until I figure out a way to put myself out of my misery. Right now tho I am customizing my realm.

You know setting different environments and habitats for the animals to live yes currently everything is free until 3 days according to the timer. Yes, I can't buy anything individually like I can't buy a single tree or rock but I can buy areas that contain them like forests, mountains volcanos, valleys, etc.

I also can't buy animals or anything capable of motion so no fish or corral in the ocean and the forests are just trees and undergrowth which I will have to fix soon. You know it's surprisingly hard to balance beauty and functionality when you have multiple biomes and you can't have a single Biome either because that will slowly but surely turn into a desert or a wasteland of some kind.

2.9 sleepless days later.

I finished it! I had to design rivers, ponds, lakes underground rivers, ponds, lakes. Caves, vents, mining areas and so many more doing all this makes me wonder how the hell did life even survives to the point where there are beings that can destroy planets or build intergalactic empires.

[Warning 43.2 minutes remaining to customize your avatar failing to do so will result in you looking like the builder]

I did not want to look like that so I quickly got to it and the result? I look like an anime character with white hair, purple eyes, a buff body with a respectable member, jewels, and a sweet ass.

(A/n: why brain? WHY?)

[Bonus time complete. For designing a self-sustaining ecosystem with contingency and redundancies for your realm you do not have to think or purchase the animals that shall live in your realm as they shall be provided by the Ecology department as thanks. May we meet at the end of time].



What do you even say when they go out of their way to help me? Thank you doesn't have enough weight to express the gratitude I am feeling towards them.

Now before you say 'Hey it's just a bunch of animals and insects won't it be fine to just throw a bunch of them and call it a day?'. Do you have any idea how f**king hard it is to maintain the balance in an ecosystem while thinking of fantasy creatures? no? then go watch animal habitats on Youtube and think about it.

Anyway, I am currently in front of the 'Town hall' and no I don't have any 'Villagers' I am alone.

The hall is just a broken-down hut with a bed, fireplace, a table, and a single chair.

No, I will not be giving you my Bio.


Oh, look a distraction.

[Modified COC activated]

[Openeing Status page]

[ Name: Cheif.

Class: Cheif.

Cultivation Level: Immortal(MAX)[Realm owner can't advance further].

Energy Level: 9*10^33/9*10^33.(1% per year).

Body Stats: Body of an Immortal[Max Stats. Impossible to damage unless by another Immortal or a natural disaster at least as dangerous as an exploding planet]

Skills: Alchemist, Sorceror, Smith, Omni-Weapon Master, Necromancer, Array Master, Monster Tamer, Miner, Teacher, Cook, Farmer, Doctor, Engineer.

Class Skills: Clearvoiance, Clan Status, Aura of Cheif, Absolute Command.]

So I am the village it seems.

let's see


Currency: Gold: 1000, Elixer: 1000, Gems: 500, Trophies: 0






See you guys later.