80 years latter and the first citizens

Aaaand done!

Oh! You are back let me give you a tour of my Village!

The Farm occupies about 20 Km2, The barracks about 10Km2, The Mines and Elixer pumps, and the storage including the aqua ducts are built into the mountains as such occupies almost nothing.

The residential and market area which also serves as a workshop area for the village occupies around 30 Km2 and can house up to 7000 giant-sized families including pets thanks to space enlarging arrays integrated into the houses.

leaving me 40Km2 to use for anything I want.

Did I also mention I have the best facilities in Health care, Education, and Waste management?

I am so Lonely. I should also stop talking to myself or talking to imaginary people. I might develop schizophrenia.

As soon as our hero said that some 'people' crashed just outside the village walls. Cheif rushed towards them and saw.

20 women wearing a green dress and lather sachel and 20 men who looked like gender-bent versions of the women with a green shirt and pants with a leather satchel,50 wizards, 200 archers, and 150 barbarians(All level 1) all of them either on their knees coughing or unconscious.

"Hello?" said Chief.

"Hi, are you the Cheif of this village?" asked a female villager who looked like the leader of this group.

"Yes, My name is Cheif may I ask who you are and How did you come here?" said Cheif as he extended his hand to shake hers.

"I am Minerva and we were exploring the forest neighboring our village when we were sucked into a portal of some kind and we ended up here. Can I ask you if you could send us back?" said Minerva.

"I am afraid I don't know how to send you back but if..."

"Oh, That's a shame... but that's a fine village you have here would you mind taking us as your villagers?" Interrupted Minerva.

"I would be more than happy to. Come on let me give you a tour all of you! You might find things are a bit different here"

One tour and an explanation later.

"WE WOULD LOVE TO MOVE INTO YOUR VILLAGE! CHEIF" came the voice of everyone.

"THEN WELCOME TO MY VILLAGE" Replied Chef not realizing he had augmented his voice with energy causing the group to be nearly blown into the sea.


10 years later.

The first year was difficult for the new 'villagers'.

First, they had to adapt to eating, sleeping, pooping, f***ing, feelings other than fear, curiosity, anger, and bloodlust.

The fact that they can grow, change their outfits, learn and forget was probably the reason for the biggest shocks and causes of mass panic.

After that subsided the most notable change they figured out was training.

The archers, barbarians, wizards were obsessed with it, each of them trying to be the best in their fields. The other villagers were different about 5 women and 7 men were heavily interested in engineering and trying to figure out how everything worked 8 men and 9 women were interested in the farm and lived there taking care of it along with my clones. the rest 6 women and 5 men were assigned different administrative tasks.

And yes I currently made up for the lacking manpower using clones and hopefully I get more people into my village soon.

Ah yes, I should probably mention the cultivation levels of this world It's divided into 3 parts Mortal, Immortal, and god.

Mortal has the following divisions ->

ordinary>practitioner>sea>core>multicore>Unification>Ascension all 7 of them have about 20 levels each. After which they become Immortal which has the following divisions ->

Newborn>Kid>Teen>Adult. Unlike the mortal class, the levels of an immortal can only be achieved over time 10, 100, 500, 1000 years respectively after reaching or living for over 1000 years as an immortal on must choose a 'job' to become a God.

and each 'job' has different conditions they have to fulfill to become the god of that 'job'. There are other restraints but that is something that I do not know nor are things that I should know.

I am different from those guys who cultivate, they use 'Qi' which is a type of energy provided by the world and generated by the interaction of souls with the world which is why places that have a lot of living beings have a lot of 'qi' and vise versa which is also why the higher you cultivate you start living in places that have a lot of people.

I on the other hand cultivate 'energy' meaning I can convert it into anything I want be it radiation, reishi, qi, mana, chakra, ki, divinity, satanity, anything! I can give it any properties I want and yes I can also create matter but if I want it to exist I need to spend a hella lot more energy than that I require to conjure it in the first place for example conjuring a liter of hydrogen costs me about a 10 energy units but to actualize them I need approximately a billion energy units and that too for something as simple as hydrogen. I can only imagine how much the others are going to cost.

P.S I am an adult immortal.