A Walk

Haruka decided to take a walk in the garden the next day, drawn to the beauty of the nearby lake. As she sat beneath a large tree, she couldn't help but be transported back to her childhood.

Memories flooded her mind of a time when she played in this very garden with her elder brother.

She saw herself running around, laughing, and having fun with her brother, who was trying to catch her.

"Big bro, catch me!" she remembered shouting, as she ran around the garden.

Her elder brother called out for her to slow down, warning that she might fall and hurt herself.

"Harukaaa....." he called out as she fell to the ground, scraping her knee. She began to cry, but her elder brother rushed to her side, wiping away her tears.

"Don't cry, my little angel," he said. "Strong girls never cry. Now tell me, will you cry again?"

Haruka wiped away her own tears, remembering how her elder brother had always been there to comfort her when she was upset.

She replied, "No brother, I won't cry again. I am a very strong girl."

Her brother laughed and lifted her up, swinging her around in the air. "That's my girl!" he exclaimed.

Haruka snapped out of her memories when she heard the sound of a young woman and man calling out her name. She was surprised when the woman suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Bingo! I found you, Haruka," the woman said with a grin.

Haruka was taken aback by the sudden appearance of this stranger. She asked, "oh you, what are you doing here? You scared the hell out of me!"