In a hurry to sleep:)

When she was called by her name , she stopped in her tracks and turned back to see the women who looks like a little older than her with curly hair with heavy make-up on her face wearing a revealing clothes.

She was her co-worker aka a waitress who shared the same shift with her. She also just now changed her waitress uniform into those revealing clothes. Her name is Lina.She always felt envious and jealous of Mia's beauty.

Whenever she had a chance to mock mia , she won't miss it. Today was up to no good , because a customer who is in his late twenties who is quite rich ,shows a interest towards her which actually took her by surprise.

Actually eventhough she looks beautiful she well known the fact that infront of mia , she is always a level lower than her. It was a matter-of-fact of course. Her pride won't make the fact accept in anyway. And she won't miss this chance to showoff her so-called beauty to her enemy of course.

So she followed mia and called out to her. When mia turned back, she had a annoyed expression on her face and she already knows what this woman upto this time. But she really don't want to waste her precious time on her instead of sleeping. So she replied, " I am sorry lina sis, i am in a hurry so excuse me!" , then she turned her way towards the entrance.

Lina on the other side had no intension of leaving mia today , she really wanted to showoff and mock her.

But to her surprise , when she followed mia out there is not a single trace her.

She wondered whether mia disappeared into thin air .But that might not be the case right?

Anways she has a pleanty of time to showoff!.

After escaping from that annoying person , mia reached her apartment after 45 minutes of journey by a cab.She usually prefered bus over the cab but today she was so tired so she hired a cab.

She opened her apartment and entering the living room and throwing her bagpack to the sofa and went to the kitchen to fetch watch to drink from the refridgerator.Then directly went to her room and flopped on her bed and drifted to sleep.

Her bed was a queen size bed which is fit for her perfectly because sometimes if she dosn't feel sleeping , she having a kinda habit to roll all over the bed in order to get some sleep.

Well it actually works!!

Back to hero entry!:)

When every one is waiting outside of the building named MG international eagerly, suddenly a gasp sound from ever one of their mouths.They froze!

The people who are all watching the live all are froze!

It might be said like time seems to be frozed !!!!

All around the country really wanted to stop the time so that they can kept staring at the person who is stroding from inside from the office to the entrance of the building!!

Every women gasped and went to their dream land with him as their boyfriend it some even dreamed about him as their husband.

Well imagination had no rules and no boundries!!

Every men felt very jealous over that god damn

like person and couldnt help but mourning few times about their facial features when they compared them to him...

Eventhough they felt envious they would accept that this man looks like he was from heaven for god sake!!

Everything about about him makes anyone in this world get jealous easily.Not only for his handsomeness but because for his extraordinary background too!!!