Not your concern!!!

Suddenly a man asked holding a mike , "Mr.Gilbert are you not straight?"

After that question ...everyone went on mute mode and silently looking at the man infront them.They could feel that the temperature drops several degree around them.

They are all already afraid of him and again because of this question...oh god... they really wanted to hang themselves where-ever they could.Because instead of provoking him, they will definitely choose to hand themselves.

But before hanging themselves ,they really wanted to know the answer...!!!

Because every knows that even though the question is more straight forward and bold and one should afraid of asking ...that question was the popular rumour about him out of all.

They know that he is not.Oh god ... he should not!

But they really really wanted to know the answer from him personally...

When everyone is waiting for the answer and their doom at the same time...patiently!!

He slowly opened his thin mouth and a magnetic and sexy voice sound again...he said ," Again its not for your concern!".

Everyone : "...."

Every was dumbstruck when they heared his reply...they thought atleast he would reply by simply saying 'NO'.

But he didn't.!!

He did reply more that one word which is more that what they expected but again they couldn't get what they wanted.

Oh gross!!!!

They are going crazy..Eventhough they saw him in person and asked the question directly they still get the answer like usual....neither accepting nor denying!!

When person who asked the question heared his reply he was really embarrassed.He was the one who asked the question and the reply is not for him only and too all...but still he felt embarrassed.

So in order gaim some face he started again,"

But Mr.Gil...."

"Your time is up", his voice sounded again in slowly manner and cut off the person who is going to ask another question.

When that person heared him speaking he was petrified.He realiazed that finally his doom already arrived.He can say with that kind of gaze from the person who is standing infront of him...who emitting an cold aura..which could kill everyone in a instant,if aura could have the ability to kill.

When Aion finished his words , the gaurds who are all standing aside waiting for their command reacted and understood that its their time to move.

They forwarded towards the crowd who are all surrounding their boss and moved them and pay a way for him to get in his car.

When Aion started walking , His way was already got cleared by his guards.

When he finally got outside of the crowd , a black maybach was stopped infront of him .One of his guard who is incharge of those guards opened the car for him.

He leisurely sat inside the car while nodding his slightly at the person.Then the door was closed and the driver started its engine and drive out the MG international building which looks so pround amoung the other building around the country.

Yes , it was the tallest building in the country which contain 123 floors.And it was designed by a world famous architect designer who called Myth grocer.

When the car sped towards his mansion...he talked to someone about some business related issues and asked for the report submission.

After finished the call he tossed his phone aside and sliding his head backward towards the car seat and closed his eyes to take some rest.

After five minutes he got distrubed by the ringtone of the phone which is lying beside him.

He opend his eyes slowly with a light frown.

He picked up the phone and saw the person who dared to interrupt his rest.

But when he saw the name of the person who is calling on his big screen he slightly shook his head with little helplessness.

He decided to answer the call anyway!

When he Slide the answer option and hold the mobile near his ear , a harsh and speaker like voice sounded which could make one's mind subconciously take away their mobile few meters away from their ear.

Alas! everyone is more concerned over their ears offcourse!!!

But Aion didn't do anything like that because he already used to it.

The person on other side spoke ," You punk!...what do you think you are doing are a disgrace! think you look so cool when you answer that way...This was all planned right?...You wanted to bring shame to our family right? Tell me brat many years are you planning to do this! tell?answer me...."