A mission.

Mia' s melodious voice questioned them again ," You people actually watched twenty four plus movies for the damn whole night? Are you out of your mind?...."

Rayne stood there dumbfounded.

Usually everyone named adult movies as eighteen plus movies or erotic movies ....but these groups of girls always called those movies as twenty four plus movies for fun.

Lily was the one who knows about adult things more than the other three fellows.She always loved to talk about these kind of things which put their friends in the awkward position.But they got used to lily's this kinda behaviour.

Lily had a habit of watching twenty four plus movies but the other three wont even show a little bit of intrest.

When these four were seventeen , because of her neighbourhood senior sister, lily came to known about these kinda movies.She shared her experience to her friends the very next day.

The other three were stupidified.Mia asked, " Didnt those were adult things ....i mean those are for who is going to get married around twenty four or something ?".

" It should be " Emma sided with her, while rayne nodded her head still blushing.

"But its for eighteen plus people and iam going to turn eigteen in a few weeks!!" , lily shrugged innocently.

"Then it should be called twenty four plus movies not to be called eighteen plus movies....right?." , mia expressed her thoughts.

Rayne and Lily laughed out loud for mia's innocent naming method while Emma seriously nodded by aknowledging mia's thought.

From that time Eighteen plus movies are twenty four plus movies for them!!!

Emma was the one who is always out of the topic whenever lily talked about those movies or anything related to that.Either she excused herself to the library or shoot draggers to lily to make her stop.

She normally doesnt speak much and always silently try to observe the people's mentality and mind through their actions as a professional physcologist from their high school time.

Rayne got blushed whenever lily talked about those kinda stuffs where mia neither focused nor stopped lily's fantasies.

Because of that ,lily blabbering about those movies to rayne and mia than emma whenever she watch one.

So when they heared that Emma was actually saw the twenty four plus movies , they couldn't believe their own ears....may be...may be we heared wrongly.....? but we both cannot heared the same thing right?...

So that mia asked in dibelief about watching the movies the whole night...!

" She has a assignment to find the psycological problem's differences between a married couple and a love couple.She was worried about how to do that.So i helped her to watch those stuffs!", lily blinked innocently.

Emma looked helpless.

"Why she have to watch those for this assigment?How is that related to her assignment," Rayne questioned.

'Weired how should it be connected', rayned shook her head in a confusion and looked at lily curiosly to know the answer.

"The most important difference between a married and unmarried couple is about sex, So i helped Emma to watch those...i also watched with her but i slept after two a.m while emma continued until morning!!!", Lilly explained plainly.

Rayne and Lily looked towards Emma in unison.

Emma smiled akwardly and said , " i ...i really want to find some differences like lily said but i dont know how to found out so i ended up watching all those until morning , huuuuug i still cant find anything. ".

Mia, Rayne and lily started laughing while looking at emma who looked like a beetroot because of embarrassement ....well this was a rare sight!!!

Emma really dont know anything about these kind of stuffs, so she ended up like this.

" Guys can you stop? please!!! ", emma sounded pityly.

The other stopped laughing almost at the same time and holded their hand with each other, mia said ," okay ...,then lets go and eat something, i am starving!!!".They started walking towards the canteen.

After fininshing their lunch...they went to their respective classes.

After finished their major classes Emma and lily went to their dorm while mia and rayne went to their respective home.

Mia is actually not from this country , she came here when she was fifteen and she used to stay with her friends in their high school dorm for few years.She came here alone while her parents were in D country.

When she started studing in university , Mia doesnt choose dorm instead rented an apartment near the university because of her part -time jobs.She felt comfortable in an apartment than in dorm to went out whenever she wanted.She don't need to get permission from anyone to go out or some thing.

Sometime Lily , Rayne , and Emma also stayed with her in her apartment for night studies in the weekends.

While mia walked back to her apartment from her univetsity as she felt good about the todays weather her phone vibratted.

She took out her mobile phone and saw the caller id on her mobile screen, as she smiled happily and answered , " Hello , first brother i missed you...you miss me? ".

After a few seconds of silence , "A bit ", there comes a sturdy and magnetic voice sounded from the other side of phone .

"A bit? how rude...." mia pouted as she reached her apartment.

"Where are you?" , her first brother asked without even consider her complaint.

"Dont you know ,?...and why should i tell you if you dont miss me....", she retorted.

"I have a mission for you...i thought you would be intrested ....but it seems...." her first brother teased her.

"What ? a mission.....? Brother i will do it...iam intrested...." , Mia shouted out loud.

" Are you sure ?", Her brother asked calmly.

"Iam damn sure" , mia said with a determination.

"Then your fourth brother will contact you soon" , he hang up the phone abrubtly.

Mia looked at the phone and thought , ' dont he even explain about a little bit...what rush?' , as she sighed.