When the girls finished their lunch...they still dont plan to go home instead , lily asked them to play game .
Rayne got excited as always as she liked game.Mia too agreed.
" You guys do whatever you want...iam feeling sleepy.. i will go to dorm", emma tried to slip away...games are really not her thing.
Before emma could stand up from her chair , lily grapped her hand and pulled emma toward her and tightly holder her with both her hands cluthed together.
"If you dare to get up , then i will force you to watch the twenty four plus movies once we went to dorm...." , lily blackmailed while winked at the other two.
"Wh..what?" ,Emma got stupidified.
Rayne and mia shooked their heads and laughed.
They also wanted her to join anyway.
Without any choice emma also joined to their stupid games.She really dont wanted to see those movies again not even a bit.!!
"Girls....today we are going to play a spectacular game...." , lily smiled slyly as clapping her hands happily.
"Then..its up to no good" , emma commented as she hold her two hands before her chest with cold face.
"Yes....", mia and rayne agreed as their head moved up and down.
Lily didnt even consider her friends feelings .....Well she is always like that...everytime she wanted to play a game...its mostly like some kinda weired games only...!!
She placed an empty soda glass bottle on the table and said," well....we are going to play truth or dare..."
"Didnt i say?..." , emma sighed.
She really dont like this game.Whenever she played this game...she ended up with stupid dare tasks given by lily and mia.
It was mia's favourite game too.She likes to do dare and make other to do dare tasks.
Rayne is happy too..Because she always escaped from the dare with her innocent face.
"Rules are the same ....if your answer is not convince us ...then you have to do a dare...or if you dont answer then too you have to do dare...as the others says...".
"We know", emma got annoyed and cutoff lily's rules inbetween.
'As if we dont know',emma thought.They played this ...more than hell thousand times.
Lily smiled at emma.She know that emma dont like this game....that's why she choose this game to play...She always likes to annoy emma.
"Okay! then i will start",as she said ...lily rotated the bottle.
The bottle took a beautiful spin quite a some time and then stopped.The bottle's back pointed towards lily while its top pointed towards mia.
They looked each other.Lily smiled slyly at mia.
Because liy is going to ask a question to mia as per the rules .
Mia also smiled.She looks confident.She dont care about anything.
"Ask", mia said.
"Hehehe...Tell us about your...first love"....lily asked.
"Fuuuuuf" , rayne spitted her juice and laughed.
Emma also smiled slightly.
"You...dont you know...i dont have anyone like that?...." ,mia pointed her fingers towards lily.
"Well we have trust issues",lily said nonchalantly.
Rayne and emma smiled at lily.
They all know that no one is comitted to anyone.
But still lily asked so that she could tell that she is not convinced and asked mia to do the dare.
Mia sighed. "Well , tell me what to do...this question is a bit old trick" , mia asked directly.She knows that today lily wont let her leave that easily.
"This is why i love so much baby...", lily flattered mia.
The other three were laughed at her.
"Well...you are going to kiss a person in his or her lips...who is going to come out from the way of washroom as the tenth one",lily smirked.
Rayne and Emma eyes went wide.They froze.
They expected many dare like proposing some one or dance in the middle....etc.
. but not this!!!
Even mia got startled!!
"Are you crazy..i dont like this ...give another one", mia retorted.
They did do dare like asked some random number person to date, or tell them that he / she was ugly at their face...they even said 'i like you' to them.
But ' kiss'....this was the first time.
Even mia wouldnt dare to do that.Because if she did kiss someone ...it will be her first kiss...and she really dont want to waste her precious kiss towards some one random....
"No...it is the dare...and you should do it...oh...my...are u afraid...or nervouse because its going to be your first kiss",lily smiled.
"This is too much...lets dont play this game anymore", emma said.
"What too much?...we are living in a 21-st century and even having sex before marriage is nothing... let alone kiss!!", lily retorted.
Then she looked at mia ," Mia i thought you would do it...i didnt know that you are actually so sensitive to this topic", lily asked.
"You are adding oil to the burning fire ,lily" , rayne said.
Lily said nothing but smiled.
"Well i will do it", mia accepted the challenge.
She didnt like this dara but lily really stimulated her nerves.So she must do it.
Rayne and Emma shouted at the same time.They thought that mia would atleast ask lily to change the dare....
"Yes i will do it...and its just a kiss...next time...lily also going to do double the time if i got a chance", mia smirked at lily.
If thats the case she wont let lily off the hook...
Lily raised her eyesbrows and smiled while nodded.
"Okay...okay...lets start...the tenth person okay...the person may be a woman too..you should get ready....", lily said.
"Well!", mia answered as her eyes glued towards the washroom's entrance path.
Since both female and male washroom has the same entrance.....whoever may come...like young female ...old lady...old guy...young man...even children is possible.....?!!
Mia prayed in her heart ...as she wanted to kiss a child atleast...well its not possible...because thers is no children around them.They are either young couple or middle age couple...one or two old man bussiness man also there when they were entered.
The first person came...It was an old man...in his 70s...may be...He looked fat and funny.
Lily looked at mia and smiled.
"What? he is a first person ...not tenth one....", mia got annoyed.
"Iam just looking...no worries....", lily raised both her hands up as if she tried to surrender and turned her head towards the entrance.