A Talk Between Two Reincarnated Souls




Benladann continued to eat pears.

Her size was big, she was a young giant woman after all, and her stomach was particularly big… and empty.

So she ate almost the entire pile without stopping.

"Nom, nom, nom… Oh… So sweet…" she muttered.

"For how long you have not eaten?" I asked.

She suddenly felt stiff, as if paralyzed.

She slowly began to glance at the ground, I noticed that her golden eyes seemed to have lost some light all out of a sudden…

Perhaps I should have not asked that? How would I have known?

"I don't know… perhaps years. The mold… kept me somehow alive. I don't know how it does it… I was just… drowning into the darkness for so long…" she muttered, her hands gripping tightly, as her shoulder started to tremble, I noticed that her eyes became unstable as she started to stare everywhere, her eyes couldn't stay focused.

What was happening?