

So it seems that I ate a weapon, and it gave me some Skills, as it was a magical weapon of sorts.

It seems that Magic Weapons comes from… Dungeons! I don't know where these dungeons are or what they are, but Draugann quickly joined with us alongside Benladann as they started to explain to us what this was.

"Dungeons are something that everyone knows about… You never came across any of them through your journey?" sighed Draugann.

"Not at all, not even Benladann did. I suppose the areas where we came from lacked them," I said.

"Indeed, it seems to be the case…" said Benladann.

"Well, to resume, Dungeons are… Well, like underground structures where monsters appear, they are often like giant underground mazes. They are filled with interesting monsters you don't see outside that much, often they drop things when you kill them… " said Draugann.

"Useful items?" asked Benladann.