Getting Inside The City Walls


It was decided, after today's affairs, I have decided to go mess up this criminal organization and in the way, rescue these slaves. I was already craving for some violence and action-packed scenes, so this fits nicely.

Although I don't even know if we will have that much action, to begin with! After all, these guys are terribly weak, so we would end up crushing them like pulp before our almighty power… But that's the charm of being overpowered, so we might as well savor that moment thoroughly!

And in the way, we might get some nice loot, as they held a lot of riches and money they steal, which we shall kindly take out of their hands, dear bandits.

Although I believe that the main action scenes will finally come when we can reach the Dungeons and enjoy our stay there, hehe…

Now, we had a duty to do, and that was getting inside the damn gate and into the wall!