You Make Such A Good Couple!


After Tisha and Pekora introduced themselves to us, we decided to introduce ourselves a bit better, alongside all our members, I also introduced the wolf pack led by the strong Frost, our two crows, Yuki (who had already gotten friendly with the new kids), Draugann (who had already introduced herself ahead of us), and more.

After that, we inspected around the groups and we got the names of most of the people, it's gonna be hard to remember them all, but for now, most of the people was feed, bathed, given new clothes, and then sent to rest over their beds, it was the best thing they could do for now. Many were too weak to move too much, and although the kids were being active, they too were rather weak.

Oh right, we also introduced the Ice Golems and the Snow Beasts, their souls, which were former members of these two tribes and some of the ice giants enslaved, seemed friendly to everyone, although they were unable to speak yet.