Getting Back To The City, Going To The Shop


"Eeeh? So there's no challenge then!" said Yuki.

"Yuki, kids are coming with us, do you think they can handle Rank 2 monsters from the get-go? Are you nuts?" I sighed, patting her head a bit roughly.

"Agh… Okay, oaky…" sighed Yuki, as she noticed Flayr and Noirenn at our side. The two little girls were wearing special tunics and light armor made by me, which enhance their magic power, they also got themselves staffs to cast magic, and accessories that enhance mana regeneration through Enhanced Mana Regeneration Skill Runes.

In fact, most of the equipment of everyone was imbued the most with these Skill Runes, even mine, which multiplied my mana regeneration even more… Hehe, this is really cheating at this point-

"I wonder if we could find a new Spirit in the dungeon. They say that Spirits and Elementals wander Dungeons with a lot of mana into them because they need it to sustain themselves." Said Pekora.

"Is that so?"