I Apologize! Maybe I Went A Bit Too Far, Fellow Cultivators


"Drake, I will pretend as if what had occurred just now never happened. Now, did you come here to accept the request to participate in our tournament, or just to mock my Elders?" he asked.

"I accept, of course! We'll beat all their asses." I said. I ended acting more arrogant than I would have wanted, but I ended letting the cliché Xianxia main character soul fuel my words passionately.







Oops, did I went too far?

I ended going a bit too far indeed.

"I-I mean, I will help you clean your asses! Wait, no, that's not it…"

"Pppffff… Hahahaahaha!"

Everyone with me began to laugh.

"You're too hilarious, oh my god…" laughed Benladann, even tears began to come out.

"Ah, maybe I did go too far."

I glared at the Elders, and they were about to explode, their faces were growing redder and redder.