Strange Visions

Benladann POV


When Drake let me go into his dreams about his previous life, I lost him.

I couldn't find him anywhere.

It was as if something engulfed him completely from my grasp.

I immediately got worried.

Where did he go?! He can't just leave me in this dream!

Is this a prank of his?

No… My Drake would never prank me like this…

Maybe… something bad happened to him?

I should look for him!

But where am I now?

I found myself in a strange room.

Where is this place?

When I walk over the wall, I suddenly found myself in a completely dark space, where many pieces of buildings float everywhere.

It is a strange and bizarre sight.

All these buildings, what do they mean?

I fly around them, floating in midair.

"Drake? Drake! Where are you?"



I keep looking for him everywhere, but he's nowhere to be seen…

Where's my Drake?