At Last, A Worthy Opponent!


Of course, you were not going to deceive me again, good man! I wasn't going to just fall for that trick a fifth time, motherfucker!

<[Blood-Changing Specter Spell]: The Ability to turn momentarily into a Blood Specter, a slime-like being made of blood for a few seconds when receiving a deadly wound. These seconds are crucial, the user cannot stay in this form more than that, and will force into his human form, this spell has a cooldown of 5 seconds, while in blood form, it is possible to move.>

Thanks to the System AI, I was able to quickly analyze his spell in an instant and learned how it truly worked after seeing it for another time.

I knew how it worked. He was able to turn himself into blood momentarily! He was not able to always do it. And therefore, I was going to catch him!