I Reject Wholeheartedly


I quickly rejected her before Benladann, and Miranda were to gang on her and massacre her or something. I was actually concerned about her health and safety, and quickly cut her off without saying another words than those. I made myself clear I didn't wanted her as my bride several times too, so I hope she wouldn't pursue the situation.

"No, please, I reject with all my heart, wholeheartedly. And never pursue this situation if possible, or I will take it as an offense." I said, nodding.

"I…. Uhhh… O-okay…" she sighed, feeling utterly heart broken.

I felt horrible for a little bit, I had never thought I would find another woman that would easily throw herself at me… how much was the count by now? There was that Cassiopeia, then Belle, then Mikohime… three women! I am not even a year old… Damn, calm down, ladies, I am already taken.

"Yeah! I am his wife, and I would never let him have another woman!" said Benladann.

"Yeah…" said Miranda.