I've Dissapointed You...


Larzak recalled how he walked back to the village, his burdens were so heavy that he wasn't even able to walk properly, for some reason he felt as if those burdens were heavy, so heavy that his own strong legs trembled and he couldn't even stand and walk properly… Larikza knew of his burdens and she helped him carry some herself. She knew what he had done, and she knew that he had done it for a purpose, a greater purpose beyond just mere emotions. Her powers were dangerous as they always showed her suffering and despair, but amidst all this suffering since she was born that she felt a light, the light of this man that had taken so many lives, he was like a bright light that was able to pierce through this nightmarish future and somehow open up a path, a branching future where things were going to be okay… where things might become better.