The Noisy Daughter Also Wants To Help


Benladra suddenly woke up from the commotion, she looked around and found no mama or papa, and felt a bit alone. However, Belle was there, greeting her, alongside a few blue slimes that quickly fused into the shape of Drake.

"Mama! Papa!" She cried, suddenly finding Drake, an oddly weird Drake that was more like a clone. But would she be able to be fooled by mere clone?

"Benladra, this is a second body I've made… Mama and I are very busy outside, so can you sleep again, dear? (I can't believe the dream magic I put into her to sleep didn't worked! This girl is really amazing, she can just negate any type of magic if she ever wants to…)" Said Drake, trying to act gentle with the little girl as Benladra pouted angrily.

"Papa? Wewe?" She asked rather angrily, as she was containing her tears. Drake sighed, holding her with his arms and caressing her long and silver hair.