Visited By A Venerable Inside Dreams


When Drake opened his eyes, he found himself in a strange place. There was a soothing and warm breeze caressing his face, and there was a beautiful scenery, a green forest extending almost endlessly wherever his eyes could see. He felt as if everything was strangely… dreamy.

"Am I dreaming…?" He wondered, suddenly realizing his head was resting over something soft.

He looked up, and found, a soothingly calm beauty. She had long pink hair, and big and fluffy fox ears, with bright golden eyes, shining as bright as the sun. Her beauty was delicate and fine, like Drake had never seen before… Yet, his soul and his mind were strong, her charms didn't overpowered the love he felt for Benladann.

"You are dreaming." She answered. "It has been some time, Drake. My dear inheritor." The woman spoke, as Drake quickly stood up and looked at her sitting calmly in the grass.