An Idea!


"You've tamed this being rather well." Said Drake, praising Benladann.

"I actually didn't do anything, the contract seems to let me order him around, hahaha!" Laughed Benladann, her eyes shone bright red menacingly for some reason. The Chaos Spirit couldn't help but shiver while listening to her laughter.

"This is only because of this enslavement contract you put on me… without even realizing it!" Said the Chaos Spirit. "Whenever I grow stronger than you, count your days! I'll kill you and kill everybody here, and free myself- Uagh!" The Chaos Spirit was tightly grasped by Benladann's hand and began to be squeezed to almost bursting.

"Uuuegghhhh… M-Mercy! Please show some mercy!" He cried, as Benladann quickly stopped torturing him. "Hahhh… Hahhh…" he began to gasp for air, feeling fatigued.

"Now answer my questions." Said Drake. "Explain to me what's the Chaotic Plane and your goals."
