Arriving At Heaven Port


Heaven Port was a beautiful port city that counted as a fiefdom of the large Ice Tear Kingdom. This place is where many people from all over the glove gathered. There were many ships bringing merchandise from all over the world's continents. And there were also many ships moving towards such place as well, it was a gigantic place filled with buildings, probably bigger than the previous fiefdom of Orange Forest we visited previously. There were an immense amount of buildings and I knew there was also an Adventurer's Guild, Merchant Guild, Magician Guild, and even… yes, a Chef's Guild! I wanted to explore and go see that specific guild because I am a passionate cook myself. The entire port city was so big it reminded me of the massive cities back on Earth. It was so immense that the walls were hundreds of kilometers big enough to sustain all the city and protect it from anything in the outside.