Rose's Trial


As the trials continued, and some surpassed them barely, others were still struggling. Within the room of Yuki, an unexpected trial she had never thought would appear emerged before her eyes. An enormous Rat Gorilla covered in fur and muscles, thrice as tall as her, and with flashing red eyes.

"You dare defy your father!"

"EEEEH?! YOU?! And you're not my father, actually! This damn tower got it all wrong!!!"

Yuki began running away from the enormous beast, as she was trying to devise a plan to defeat such a big mass of muscles.

Meanwhile, in another room, the soul of a once wicked and prideful Vampire woman was surprised by the trial in front of her. Rose could clearly remember how her life was when she was alive, even now. As she evolved in her ghost form, more memories of such a past continued to awaken.