Against Glitch Aberrations With The Help Of My Daughter


"Why? Why are there monsters inside the System itself?!"

[At this range I cannot possibly understand why. I cannot really reach in here properly either, but try to analyze the monster using System Magic, that might work even in areas within the Dimension of the System where I cannot completely reach as the A.I…]

"System Magic you say?"

Without thinking it twice, I pointed my hand at the arachnid fiend, until something finally emerged, although it was slightly glitched, it showed something.


[Glitch Aberration: Model Spider] [Rank: 6 (Peak Stage)] [Status: Furious]

A strange aberration that has originated from the glitches within the depths of the pocket dimension containing the powers of the System. Like any monster, it attacks anything that threatens its life and seeks to build nests by destroying more data and infesting it with its glitched data. It feeds on data and other glitch aberrations of smaller size.